Part 9 | Don't Stop 🔞

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(The following part has scenes that contain smut, please skip if you feel uncomfortable)

"Can you help me get into the shower?"

* * * * * * * *

San stared at Wooyoung for what seemed like an eternity. There was both skepticism and hope in his shining eyes. "You're kidding right?"

Wooyoung grinned at him, completely unwavering. "Not at all," On the inside, his heart was pounding.

San looked like he didn't know what to think. His lips still glistened from their mingled saliva, and he was sure to want more. He affectionately ran his hands down Wooyoung's arms with a caring gaze. "Wooyoung-ah, I would love to help you, but don't you think that's going a little fast?"

Wooyoung gave him his best innocent-looking expression. He knew what San was thinking. "It doesn't have to go anywhere," Wooyoung shrugged. "I just feel gross and I really want to get clean,"

"Oh yeah?" San spoke skeptically, moving closer and nudging Wooyoung's nose with his own. "Then why did you suddenly think of it while we were making out?"

After a few moments, Wooyoung blushed and giggled softly. He didn't have an excuse for that one. San could always read him very well. Truthfully, Wooyoung did really want to shower after going almost two days without, but he was also curious how his feelings would develop if San helped him.

San continued to stare, a warning undertone in his gaze as he studied him. "Are you sure you know what you're getting into?"

Something about the way he said that made Wooyoung gulp. It was like he was warning Wooyoung that he was at the point of no return. It gave him a nervous and excited feeling in his stomach looking into San's lustful eyes as he held onto Wooyoung's thin waist. He loved the feeling of San's hands on his body.

Eventually, Wooyoung took a deep breath and nodded, looking a little too innocent for the situation. "Let's just see where it goes..." he told him with a cute smile. Inside he was desperately hoping San would take the lead from there.

San nodded in understanding but already seemed distracted by something as he stared at Wooyoung's chest which was almost at his eye level. Slowly, San reached for the buttons on his loose pajama shirt. He undid one button and Wooyoung could already feel shivers running down his spine. He bit his lip as San undid the next button and shifted his gaze to Wooyoung's eyes.

"If anything I do makes you uncomfortable, I need you to tell me," San told him in complete seriousness. "Alright?"

Wooyoung agreed, but internally he was begging San to speed things up, and he could probably see it in his eyes. He had never felt feelings like these before. Was it just infatuation? Was it just because it was his first time getting intimate with anyone? Whatever the reason, it was driving him crazy. He craved each and every touch.

Once his shirt was completely unbuttoned, San stared downward at his body, moving the fabric so it was more visible. San was completely entranced. His soft hands roamed around his skin and admired the contours of his abs. Wooyoung's eyes closed as he savored the feeling. No one had ever touched him like this before.

Still immersed in his body, San slid Wooyoung's shirt off of his shoulders and it fell to the floor. San was slowly leaning forward with every gentle caress of his hands over his skin. Wooyoung let out a soft breath when he felt San's wet lips gently press into a spot on his chest. His hands moved to Wooyoung's bandages. Very carefully, San began to unwrap his wound so that it could be cleaned.

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