Part 13 | A Little Space

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"Can you teach me how to give a blowjob?"


Seonghwa stared at Wooyoung for a long time in stunned silence. His cheeks were slightly puffed as he tried desperately to keep his promise of not laughing. Shaking it off, he cleared his throat before he looked at him again. Wooyoung just blinked at him.

Seonghwa took a few moments to think before he finally spoke. "Are you serious?"

Wooyoung nodded; he knew it sounded like a joke, but he was completely serious. It was especially clear after tonight that San wanted to take things further, and he felt severely underprepared. He wanted to please him. He wanted to give San chills throughout his whole body, the same ones that he gave to Wooyoung anytime he touched him. Wooyoung hated the thought of disappointing him just because he had no idea what he was doing. And Seonghwa was the only person he knew personally that he felt comfortable asking for help.

Seonghwa smiled to himself. "I guess I'm flattered that you think I'm experienced enough to ask," he admitted. "Most of what I know I learned from watching porn... and you know I've only ever given one once, right?"

Wooyoung paused to stare at him for a few moments. He hadn't expected that. But then he shrugged. He really didn't care where the advice came from as long as he could have some suggestions on where to begin. "You're still the most experienced person I know... but if this is too sensitive of a subject for you I'll understand. I didn't know that Minho was the only one you did that to..."

Unexpectedly, Seonghwa chuckled slightly at that. "Aish Wooyoung-ah, what do you think of me? You really think I get around that much?"

Wooyoung shook his head, waving his hands in denial. "No, no, that's not what I meant!"

"Mm hm," Seonghwa teased, a smirk on his face. "Anyway, I'm just kidding. I've been feeling much better today so I'm okay talking about it,"

Wooyoung placed his hands in his lap and refocused, his eyes shining with interest. He couldn't wait to find out what he could do to seduce San in the same way he did to him.

Seonghwa's eyes wandered over his bed sheets while he thought about it for a few moments. "I don't know if all men like the same things while being sucked off... but I do know what Minho really liked,"

Wooyoung swallowed. "Should I take notes?" he chuckled nervously.

Seonghwa shook his head and his half-smirk had returned. "Don't worry, you'll remember," He promised.

Once Seonghwa began talking about it, the nerves seemed to disappear for him. He told him about the importance of foreplay and how it was just as important as the main event. Seonghwa suggested ways that he could use teasing to his advantage to leave San begging for more since apparently, it had worked on Minho. Wooyoung listened intently, nodding along while he gave him advice on initiating the real thing, and somehow became even more nervous at the thought of trying those techniques out in real life. Still, he was giddy at the thought of the excitement it would bring San if he followed Seonghwa's advice: especially since he would have no idea why Wooyoung was so good at it on the first try.

Seonghwa and Wooyoung remained there talking for much longer than Wooyoung had expected. He hadn't realized there was so much that went into it. Their conversation flowed into talking about other things to do with guy-on-guy intimacy. When he asked Seonghwa if he thought Wooyoung was a top or a bottom, Seonghwa laughed out loud. Apparently it was funny. According to Seonghwa, Wooyoung was a definite bottom, and he didn't know how to feel about that. Was it that obvious? Didn't that mean that if he and San ever had sex, that he would be the one to take his dick? That sounded painful... but he also couldn't deny that it sounded hot as hell.

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