Part 7 | Fever

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 Wooyoung's mind was clouded for the rest of the morning. According to the other members, San had gone home, but he still couldn't get him out of his head. Yunho and Mingi stayed with Wooyoung in his room after the nurse had changed his bandages and cared for his surgical wound, but he barely noticed they were there. They could tell something was up with him though since Wooyoung kept getting lost in thought and spacing out. But what could he say? He couldn't tell them what happened in case San didn't want others to know about his sexuality just yet.

Wooyoung still felt like he was floating on air. Of course he wasn't gay, but it was still nice to know how much San liked him. It was such a weird feeling. It was like he was confused but giddy about it at the same time. That was only the second time Wooyoung had ever kissed anyone, and he had never felt a rush like this. There were still butterflies lingering in his stomach even hours after it happened. He hoped San would return soon. Wooyoung was worried he would stay away for a while because of the embarrassment he probably still felt over everything. Wooyoung thought maybe he should text San to ensure him that he wasn't upset with him at all. San shouldn't be blamed for feeling that way. Not to mention the surprise kiss had been Wooyoung's stupid advice.

"Wooyoung?" he suddenly heard his name being called. "Hey, I'm talking to you," Yunho was leaning against his bed and staring at him as he tried to get his attention.

"Hm?" Wooyoung hummed. He was still a bit dazed and hadn't heard what he said.

Yunho gave him a concerned look, but he also seemed a little annoyed. "What is going on with you?" he asked, at a loss.

Wooyoung tried to snap himself out of it, shaking his head. He had no idea what was going on with him. "Sorry," he mumbled but still didn't look at Yunho.

Yunho tilted his head. "I was asking what happened with San earlier. Why was he so upset?"

Wooyoung knew the second he locked eyes with Yunho he would know he was lying. His members all knew him too well. "He's fine. He just needed to go home," he said unconvincingly, staring at his own lap.

Yunho stared at him for a while. "So he left his best friend who can barely walk all alone on the roof?" he asked skeptically. He already didn't believe him.

Wooyoung blinked. He hadn't gotten his story straight yet, and he really didn't want to keep lying to him. Wooyoung finally looked up at him with a long sigh. "We had a little bit of a misunderstanding. I don't know if you could call it a fight.. I'll tell you when I'm ready, okay?"

Yunho sat back and looked at Mingi as if he was trying to decide if that was a good enough answer for now. It seemed to be, as he looked at Wooyoung again and let out a slightly frustrated sigh. Wooyoung gulped. He just hoped Yunho trusted him enough to wait for an explanation. At least long enough for Wooyoung to also figure out what had happened.

While Mingi and Yunho continued to talk, Wooyoung zoned out again and reached for his phone on the bedside table, removing it from the charger. He opened his text conversation with San and stared at it. Wooyoung was about to text him when he got distracted by reading their past words to each other.

 Wooyoung was about to text him when he got distracted by reading their past words to each other

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