Part 8 | Twilight

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Wooyoung was left alone for a short while. Mingi and Yunho had to leave to continue preparing for their music show performance, and Wooyoung enjoyed the peace and quiet, but it was dangerous. His mind wandered far and wide.

Could people live into their mid-twenties without knowing their own sexual orientation? Wooyoung couldn't believe he was even considering the possibility. However, he had such little dating experience that he might have been a little hasty in claiming to know his already. But it didn't make sense. Wouldn't something in his life have happened already to make him realize it? Was he just overthinking it?

Wooyoung shook his head and took out his phone, needing a distraction. He noticed that San had read his text messages a few minutes ago. So much for the distraction. Still, Wooyoung's face lit up a little knowing that San might accept his apology and return soon. He really wanted to see him. San probably thought he was doing Wooyoung a favor by leaving, but truthfully he missed him already even if his feelings confused him.

Catching up on his phone notifications, a news update suddenly caught his eye making him pause. Wooyoung felt his heartbeat quicken. It was about him. Curious, he opened the news app and quickly began reading.

"ATEEZ's Jung Wooyoung shot on Friday evening following the Music Bank showcase at KBS"

Since Wooyoung's memory had blocked out most of what happened that night, he was interested in reading about what really went down. He continued to scroll down the page, reading the details carefully, but then he paused again. He gulped. There was a leaked video. Since fans had their cameras out while the members were walking by, it only made sense that the accident would have been caught on camera.

Though he was slightly terrified, Wooyoung's finger made its way to the play button. He pressed it cautiously.

Wooyoung quickly turned his phone volume down when the sound of excited fans played loudly at the beginning of the video. He studied the footage. The person who had filmed the video must have been right next to the barricade because the whole area was clearly visible.

Wooyoung watched as the older members came into view on their way to the car. Some made poses towards the cameras and some stopped and waved. San walked with Yeosang past the crowd, stopping to give the camera a seductive wink and making a peace sign with his hand. Wooyoung couldn't help but smile; he was so cute.

The cuteness didn't last long though. In the video, San and most of the members were almost to the car when he heard the sound of the gun going off, making the camera shake. Wooyoung shuddered, suddenly feeling the wound in his side begin to sting again. He gently laid his fingers over his bandages.

Wooyoung felt sick when he heard his own agonized cries and the camera shakily panned over to show him lying on the pavement. He could see his own blood pooling and he felt sicker.

Suddenly, San's voice could be heard even over the screams of the terrified crowd. He screamed Wooyoung's name in horror. Wooyoung watched as San dashed over to him without any thought, putting himself at risk just to protect him. Wooyoung felt himself wanting to tear up when he saw San bend over his body, shielding him from any other attacks. Tears covered San's face as he desperately cried out for help. He had never seen San look so heartbroken or distressed before. Why would he risk his life for him? Did he really love him that much?

Wooyoung was only left more confused, and not distracted at all. San really loved him. Wooyoung loved him back, but after this morning, he was completely unsure how he loved him. There must be a reason why the thought of San's warm lips against his was the one memory that made him smile today without fail. And the video alone showed him how far San was willing to go to protect him. Wooyoung would always feel safe as long as San was by his side. Was he really considering falling for his best friend?

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