Part 3 | Friendly Fire

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San remained by Wooyoung's side while the others walked downstairs to check on Yeosang. He could tell that Wooyoung was really bothered by how he had made Yeosang feel when he had chosen San over him, even if he didn't show it. He wasn't as talkative as usual. San lay by his side, his arm wrapped around Wooyoung's shoulders. Truthfully, he felt proud that Wooyoung trusted him enough to call him over before anyone else. San had considered him his best friend for years now but was never sure who Wooyoung felt closer to, since he had known Yeosang for much longer. At the same time, he was a little annoyed at the way Yeosang was handling the situation. Wooyoung was already in pain, he didn't need another problem to overthink. How important was his petty jealousy that it had to potentially disrupt Wooyoung's recovery?

"Hey," San said, getting the attention of a very distracted Wooyoung.

"Hm?" Wooyoung hummed, never taking his eyes off the wall, staring into space. San waved his hand in front of his face finally making him look up and raising his eyebrows.

San stared at him for a moment. "Don't beat yourself up over the whole Yeosang thing, okay?" He played with a strand of his hair making Wooyoung smile slightly.

Wooyoung let out a long sigh. "I know... I just don't even know what I was thinking," he bit his lip nervously, his eyes looking downward.

San tried not to smirk. "It's no big deal, Wooyoung, you were just thinking I'm your favorite,"

Wooyoung rolled his eyes and smacked him on the chest, trying to hide his smile.

"Ow!" San laughed, gently shoving him.

Wooyoung pouted, looking away from him again. "Not funny," he mumbled.

San had just wanted to cheer him up a little. "Come on, Wooyoung, it was just a joke," he answered sympathetically rubbing his shoulder. "Yeosang is the one in the wrong here, he shouldn't be making it a competition,"

Wooyoung glanced at San looking slightly annoyed. "The only reason you're saying that is because you won the 'competition.' You get just as jealous you know,"

San looked at him, surprised. "I do not!" San said defensively. He didn't understand what he could be referring to.

Wooyoung stared at him with the same unchanging expression. "Choi San, don't you lie to me,"

"When do I act jealous?!"

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow playfully. "Today when you were giving Yeosang a death glare because he was holding my hand?"

San's mouth was agape, appalled at the suggestion. "I told you, I was just hungry!"

Wooyoung tilted his head, looking like he was having fun provoking him. "Or when you stormed out when I was laughing with Changbin?"

"That doesn't count," San raised a finger at him. "I just think your nickname for him is so dumb that I physically cringe every time you say it,"

"Mm hm," Wooyoung hummed so San could barely hear him.

San sighed, leaning to the side so his forehead was resting against Wooyoung's cheek. He would never admit it, but Wooyoung was not completely full of lies. San didn't know why, but he did feel slightly weird when anyone else showed any kind of affection toward Wooyoung. He hadn't realized it was jealousy until then. "Well, have you ever considered that if you stop being such a kind, beautiful person people would stop caring about your opinion of them all the time?"

That made Wooyoung smile wider than he had all day, and San was finally satisfied. San snuggled up next to him, wrapping his other arm around him as well, resting his head in the crook of his neck. "Don't let Yeosang interrupt your healing, okay? You should be focusing on you."

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