Part 5 | Illusion

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Wooyoung hugged his plushie up to his mouth and cuddled it. He shifted his position in bed to get more comfortable and balanced his phone so it would be held up by the blanket that he was hiding under. It was almost eight in the morning, and after a decent sleep, he was already up watching the next episode of the Netflix show Jongho had told him about. Amazingly, it was the first thing he thought of when he had woken up just a few minutes ago, and the only thing that was keeping his mind off his pain while San wasn't there.

Wooyoung rolled onto his back after a while, cringing when the movement was a bit painful, but he pushed through it. He threw the covers off of his head and held his phone in front of him, not taking his eyes off the screen for a single moment. It was getting really interesting where he left off in the show from last night. Only after a long while did he start to become aware of the time. He realized that it was around eight-thirty now, and he wondered what time San was planning on returning since visiting hours started at eight o'clock. Wooyoung had honestly thought he would be waiting at the doors until they let him in. It made him start to wonder where he was.

Wooyoung relaxed his back against the pillow behind him as he let out a long breath and continued to focus on the show. It was working to pass the time well, but he couldn't help but worry about why no one had shown up yet. It was early yet, he was probably overthinking it. They didn't have to wake up early today since their schedule had been canceled, so they were probably just taking advantage of being able to sleep in.

A few minutes went by and he was completely focused on his phone all up until he saw a figure walk by his room's window. He caught a glimpse just in time for him to almost recognize the person before they walked past and further down the hallway. He was sure he saw a man with a thin build and black fluffy hair. Was that... Seonghwa? It couldn't have been, why would he pass his room? Unless he just missed it, in which case he was prepared to tease him about it profusely. It was probably just one of the Stray Kids members going to visit Jisung.

Pausing the show, Wooyoung listened closely and after a moment, he heard two people talking through the wall in the room next to his. One of them must have been Jisung. He couldn't quite make out what they were saying, but for some reason, it sounded like an awkward conversation. The pauses between words grew longer before the dialogue ultimately ended and footsteps could be heard heading out of the door. Wooyoung quickly picked up his phone again and pretended he hadn't been listening as the footsteps approached his room.

After a few moments, the door to his room was carefully opened a crack, as if the person was trying to be silent as they turned the door handle. Out of the corner of Wooyoung's eye, he noticed a head peek through the door and he glanced over to see that, sure enough, he had been right. His oldest hyung Seonghwa had been the one awkwardly wandering the halls.

Wooyoung put his phone down and tried very hard not to laugh. "Hi, hyung," he snickered.

Seonghwa looked a little embarrassed as he opened the door all the way and sauntered into the room. He was forcing a smile and finding it difficult to look into Wooyoung's eyes. "I wasn't sure if you were awake yet,"

Wooyoung's smile faded as he kept observing him. He was checking the window to the hallway more than he was looking at Wooyoung, and something was making him pretty jittery. This must have been what he was acting like at practice that made Jongho so concerned about him. Wooyoung could understand why; he couldn't stand still and kept gently bouncing on his heels, a bit of sweat glistening on his forehead.

Wooyoung moved his head around trying to catch Seonghwa's eye. "Hyung?" he said, still confused. "What's going on, are you expecting someone?"

Seonghwa glanced back at Wooyoung for a moment before facing the window again. "Yeah, I guess so," he shrugged, fixing the blinds so he could see through them more clearly.

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