Part 11 | Horizon

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 The clock read eight o'clock sharp when Wooyoung looked up from his phone to see Seonghwa rushing through the door into his room. Visiting hours at the hospital had literally just started and he looked like he had rushed up the stairs as soon as anyone allowed him to.

Seonghwa's hands rested on his knees while he caught his breath for a moment. Wooyoung had only just woken up minutes before when the nurse had brought him breakfast, so he let out a big yawn while he rubbed his eyes and then stared at his hyung in confusion.

"What are you doing?" Wooyoung asked him, trying to suppress a giggle.

Seonghwa walked further inside and sat down on the chair next to his bed with a deep breath. "I was just trying to get here before San did," he told him in a slightly amused tone. He looked at him expectantly as if Wooyoung was supposed to know what he wanted.

Wooyoung raised his eyebrow as he stared at him. "Was there something you needed?" he asked in a slightly sassy tone before sipping on his glass of orange juice.

Seonghwa's stare did not let up and a small smirk appeared on his face. "You know what. You were just about to come out to me before I left yesterday,"

Wooyoung almost did a spit take. He set down his glass and coughed a few times with his hand over his mouth. "I... was not," He spoke between coughs.

Seonghwa chuckled warmly at him. "Yes you definitely were," he insisted. "You said 'Seonghwa, I think I'm-' and then they cut you off. That was right after you talked about how confused you were,"

Wooyoung took a deep breath and closed his eyes to escape from Seonghwa's intense gaze. "Hyung, I just woke up," he groaned sleepily, rubbing his eyes. "I'm not ready to have an existential crisis yet,"

"It doesn't have to be a crisis if you talk to me about it," Seonghwa said gently. When he still didn't respond, he grabbed Wooyoung's chopsticks and stole a quick bite of his breakfast.

Wooyoung let out a breath and quietly decided he should stop being so defensive. Seonghwa was just trying to help him through his confusion and deep down he knew that. Even if he did just steal the first bite of his bibimbap...

Wooyoung couldn't hide his amused smirk anymore as he reached over and snatched his chopsticks away from Seonghwa's hands. "I didn't even take a bite yet and you're already stealing my food... aish what is wrong with you?"

Seonghwa giggled as he finished chewing. "I was hungry. You know, for hospital food, that's not bad,"

"As if you're ever not hungry..." Wooyoung teased him. He took the first bite for himself and he had to agree with him; it was pretty tasty. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that Seonghwa was still waiting for an answer and wasn't going to let it go. And why should he? Seonghwa had told him all the dirty details of the situation with Minho, so it was only fair that Wooyoung should trust him with his secrets too. But why was he still so shy about it? He wasn't a shy person about most things, but for some reason, it was really difficult for him to talk about it.

Halfway through his breakfast, Wooyoung carefully set down his chopsticks as he let out a slightly shaky breath. He didn't even know where to begin. "Hyung?" he began, using his best cute voice.

Seonghwa looked up expectantly from his phone and prepared to listen. But when their eyes met, Wooyoung only became more nervous. He was never going to hear the end of this.

Struggling to look him in the eye, Wooyoung tried to work up some courage. "I think... maybe there's a slight chance... that..."

Seonghwa nodded along as he spoke, quietly urging him to continue.

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