Part 14 | Utopia 🔞

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(Warning: The following part has scenes that contain smut)

A cloud of steam followed Wooyoung as he carefully stepped out of the shower. Reaching for the fluffy white towel that he had placed on the counter, he ruffled his hair with it until it was just slightly damp. Now that he was feeling much better, he was able to shower without San's help but he hadn't remembered how boring it was to do it alone.

He dried the rest of his body and then wiped off a section of the fogged-up mirror to check his appearance. He spent a good five minutes brushing through his raven black hair and messing it up again, trying to decide which way looked the best on him. In the end, he went for neat but slightly ruffled in the front. A few thin strands of his bangs hung down gracefully near his face.

The biggest thing he was worried about was that San was mad at him for not answering his texts the night before. He hoped he could understand that he had fallen asleep and it was an honest mistake; he hadn't been trying to ignore him. But San was often petty. Was he petty enough to turn down what Wooyoung was about to offer him?

Wooyoung wrapped his towel around his waist and secured it there. After one more glance at his reflection and a few more gentle hair adjustments, he nodded to himself and cautiously left the bathroom. As soon as he was met with the silence of the hallway, he could feel his nerves acting up again. What if San just told him to go away? He couldn't be that mad if he had texted him earlier. Otherwise, he just wouldn't have bothered.

Wooyoung took a deep breath. Being a brat until he got what he wanted was his specialty, so whatever his first reaction was, he would find a way to be forgiven. It was part of his charm.

Before he let himself think too much, he knocked on San's bedroom door. After waiting a few moments, he was just about to knock again before he heard someone moving around followed by San's voice. "Come in,"

Wooyoung wasn't sure if he recognized who it was by the way he knocked, or if he would have let any of the members in. Whatever the case, Wooyoung turned the handle and wandered inside.

Just the sight of the room made Wooyoung feel more relaxed. This was where he always used to come when he couldn't sleep well, or if he just needed company or wanted to talk about anything. The lighting was dim, and the only source of it came from the lamp on the side table. San rarely turned on his overhead light since he claimed the brightness was too intense and gave him headaches if it was on for too long. As a result, his room was always bathed in a comforting, dim glow, and tonight was no different.

San was lying loosely under his covers with no shirt on, rolled onto his side as he squinted in the harsh light of his phone screen. When Wooyoung walked further in, San looked up and seemed to do a double-take when he saw him. Wooyoung was still in a towel.

San quickly forced himself to look away and cleared his throat as he continued to scroll through his phone. "Did you need something?" he asked, trying his best not to act flustered.

Wooyoung walked closer to his bed and gave him an innocent smile. He rocked back and forth on his feet as he stared down at the bed. "I was wondering if I could sleep here tonight..."

The words hung in the air for a while. San looked up from his phone and studied him before he looked away again. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather sleep in Seonghwa's bed again? I'm sure it was so much more comfortable than mine..."

Wooyoung sighed in frustration; he knew this was coming. "Come on, don't be like that..." he implored. "Your bed is like a safe space for me..."

It was true. The countless hours he had spent in this room talking and watching TV with San were some of the most comforting moments of his life. But San barely heard what he said. "I bet he was a better cuddler than me too, wasn't he?" San spoke in a low, bitter tone.

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