Part 16 | Deja Vu

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(Warning: The following part contains violence)

Wooyoung couldn't get his mind off it all day: San planned on taking their intimacy to the next level. There would be no other reason he would think to buy condoms and lube now unless he was saving them for the far future when they had a chance to talk about and plan it. Maybe that was it. That must be why he tried to hide them from him so he wouldn't jump to conclusions until they discussed it. San had been so patient with him up until now so he tried to convince himself he had nothing to worry about. Worry? No, if he was being honest with himself, the thought was intriguing. But it also scared the shit out of him.

When they returned home in the late afternoon, the members took some time to wind down before their early bedtime. San continued acting sweet to Wooyoung just like always, placing his arm around him while the others played video games and laughed with each other, but he never mentioned anything about what else was in the bag he had brought home. Wooyoung just needed to trust that San had his best interest in mind. Of course he did, the first night they got together he asked him about ten times if he was sure about what he wanted. It's why he felt so safe with him always.

When it came time for the members to go to bed, San approached Wooyoung wearing nothing but sweatpants, his recently showered body still glistening with moisture. Wooyoung's heart rate doubled when he gently grabbed his hand.

San grinned at him, tilting his head in a bit of confusion when he noticed Wooyoung's distracted mind. "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

"Wh-what?" Wooyoung stuttered, his eyes widening slightly before they wandered over San's perfect, muscular body. Tonight? Was he serious?

San chuckled, finding him cute. He must have known what he was thinking about. "I meant sleep next to me," he corrected himself.

Wooyoung took a deep breath, calming himself down. "Of course you did," He wondered if San knew how tight of a hold he had on him.

"I sleep better next to you, and we have a long day tomorrow," San told him truthfully.

Wooyoung smiled nervously. "Sure, of course I will, Sannie," It was an automated response and he had no idea where it came from. His only explanation was that it was what he really wanted.

Wooyoung felt a tingle of both excitement and anxiety. Was San going to try something tonight? No, surely not the night before their pre-recording so early in the morning. With the excitement he felt over the thought, Wooyoung wondered if he really was ready... Could he really handle it?

As San took him by the hand and they whisked off toward his room, Wooyoung couldn't help but notice that San's black bag, the one containing the condoms, was left in the living room. He breathed a sigh, but he wasn't sure if it was in relief or disappointment. For the love of God, could he just figure out what he wanted?

Once they reached San's bedroom, Wooyoung slid into the bed almost immediately since he was already dressed in a comfortable T-shirt and sweats. He took a deep breath of the sweet scent of San's sheets as he settled in, rolling onto his side and holding the blanket up to his nose. Following close behind, San returned to his side of the bed and inserted himself under the covers, shaking the bed a little as he relaxed with a long sigh. Soon, he scooted up close to Wooyoung's back, spooning him from behind while he wrapped his arms around him.

Wooyoung held his breath. He felt San's breath on the back of his neck and was immediately weakened by the way his hands held his body. How could he always do this to him without fail? It wasn't fair. San's hands carefully wandered to the bottom of his shirt, sneaking his fingers under the fabric and teasing his bare skin. San's lips moved to the back of Wooyoung's neck, pressing soft, wet kisses into his skin, and Wooyoung's eyes squeezed shut.

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