Lost Memory (Seek x Figure) (Fluff)

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(Seek's POV)


"And especially you, Gage, you have great potential..." Max said.

"Make sure to protect everyone once I'm gone for good okay?" He continued.

"Promise me..." He finished.

"I... I promise..!" Gage spoke back finally.

"Thank you... And thanks everyone for this wonderful experience, it's been a journey." Maxwell thanked all of us graciously.

"Well, see you later!" Maxwell finished before exploding into a white sphere that ended all of our trouble, and himself.

End of Flashback

"Hey... Hello? Seek!" Figure spoke my name, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Y- Yeah? What is it Figure?" I asked quickly.

"...You're thinking of Max again... Aren't you?" Figure read me like a book.

"I... Uh... Yeah... He was just... Such a good guy y'know? He was always fun to practice with and all that." I admitted.

"But the most greatest thing about him, was that he cares about us dearly." I finished.

"Yeah I know... I miss him too... But you can't beat yourself up you couldn't do anything to stop alright?" Figure comforted me.

"You've gotta let go of your thoughts, and just enjoy life for a while." Figure continued.

"Always thinking of Max will just lead to worse thoughts." Figure finished.

"I get it... But still, it's kinda saddening to know that I will never be able to spar with him again." I admitted again.

"I know... It's sad..." Figure said, holding me with one arm around my waist.

I leaned against him as I once again began thinking of the last time I saw Maxwell.

"Ah ah ah! Seek what did I just say?" Figure sighed.

"Y- You knew about that?!" I asked concerningly.

"Seek... I can read minds silly... How could I not know?" Figure teased, making me feel a little stupid.

"Damn... Totally forgot about that." I whispered to myself.

Figure chuckled before he spoke once again, this time in a more soothing tone.

"How about we get some rest alright? It's late anyways." Figure asked, to which I almost immediately agreed with.

"Sure... Why not?" I said as I was picked up by Figure and carried to his room.

He placed me down on his bed as he went to the other side, snuggling up to me as I quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Figure was right, if I kept thinking about Max... I would eventually just go crazy...

Some sleep is really all I needed.

Thanks Figure...

(408 Words)

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