A Walk In The Hotel (Gage & Chris) (Friendly)

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(a request, this is someone's preferred name in this AU, do not try to question them about anything.)

(Chris's POV)

I was babysitting Gage for a while after Guiding Light requested that I do so, he needed to go settle something he's been having trouble with.

Me and Gage were just relaxing, simply resting ourselves away without a care in the world.

But then I suddenly had a great idea, it would lighten up the mood and also give me and Gage something to do.

"Hey... Gage? Wake up lil' guy..." I said as Gage slowly rose up from his slumber, that was the moment I finally realized that I completely forgot that Gage is more comfortable with the straightjacket off when sleeping.

He groaned as he slowly looked up at me in confusion, he obviously just planned on sleeping... Kinda mad at myself for waking him up now...

"Wanna go for a walk? It could get us something to do!" I said, peaking Gage's interest.

"A... Walk..? Okay..." Gage agreed, probably still like 90% asleep.

Me and Gage rose up from where we were resting as we both went out through the door in front of us, beginning our journey through the hotel.

We began walking as Gage slumped, almost falling asleep while walking a few times.

"...You're not used to being up this late are you?" I asked, to which Gage immediately shook his head in response to.

"Do you at least want me to carry you? You look pretty light." I said.

"I don't weigh that much, I think Guiding light said I weigh like... 5 pounds..." Gage responded to me... This kid really doesn't eat that often does he.

"...Are you okay..?" I asked concerningly.

"Yeah... I know... I "probably don't eat" but I do, I swear." Gage said mockingly, it's almost like he read my mind.

Without wasting any more time, I picked him up and carried him in my arms as I continued to walk through the doors of the hotel.

Time Skip

Me and Gage had walked through a lot of rooms before we eventually turned around and started walking back.

When we went back through one of the other doors, I thought I heard the sound of Ambush from afar.

"Uh oh." I said out loud as I immediately knew Ambush thought I was another human.

But out of nowhere, Gage flipped out of my arms and landed in his feet, acting like he was ready to stop Ambush.

I saw Ambush charge at both of us, clearly going too fast to see who we were, and yet he quickly collided with Gage.

...Or so I thought...

Ambush completely stopped in his tracks as if he froze, Gage then stood straight up as he spun around in a 360° and kicked Ambush right in the... Oooh... Wow...

Ambush laid on the floor, groaning in pain as we both just stared at him with blank expressions.

"You really need to watch who you're charging at, Ambush." Gage said as he walked over to me again.

I picked Gage up as he turned around in my arms and made a green aura emit around Ambush, and it seemed as if Ambush was completely fine all over again.

"S- Sorry Gage... I didn't realize it was you guys..." Ambush apologized awkwardly.

"It's fine, but again, watch where your running." Gage said as I continued walking back to Gage's room.

Time Skip

We made it back to Gage's room as I laid him down on his bed, the little guy seemed so tuckered out after all that happened.

It was understandable though, and I was tired too, so I crawled in next to him as I pulled the covers over both of us.

"Well, Guiding Light understands every other time right? Besides, I'm just being a good babysitter." I stated as Gage just nodded and fell asleep quickly.

I too fell into a deep sleep, I guess I would have to explain myself in the morning... Again...

(673 Words)

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