Just A Game (Screech & Timothy) (Friendly)

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(Screech's POV)

I was sitting down with my friend Timothy as we were just staring out the window, watching as the day went by.

"Hey Screech..? Should we be... Doing something..?" Timothy asked me, to which I shrugged my shoulders to.

"What if we played Hide & Seek?" Timothy asked, which got my attention.

"Hide & Seek? You sure? It's pretty easy for me to see in the dark." I reminded Timothy of as he excitedly nodded.

"Yeah I know... But I want to do something so bad..!" Timothy whined, which made me chuckle.

"Alright sure, let's play a few rounds... I'll count first." I said as I turned around and covered my eyes, beginning to count.

I heard Timothy begin to run away and attempt to hide as I attempted to contain my laughter.

I finished counting and turned around again and began the search for Timothy.

I began walking through the many rooms, searching for Timothy in the dark.

Soon after I started searching for Timothy, I ended up finding him attempting to hide by hanging from the ceiling.

"Found you Tim!" I yelled, pointing towards Timothy as he started laughing playfully, slowly lowering down onto he floor.

"Alright, alright... My turn to count now..!" Timothy expressed excitedly as he turned around and covered his all of his eyes as I ran off into the darkness, hiding under a table.

He finished counting as Timothy started to look for me, searching the room almost entirely.

"I'm gonna find you Screech!" Timothy called out, forcing me to try to keep in my laughter.

Timothy eventually found me and pulled me out from the table, hugging me while laughing happily.

"Hahaha! Found you Screech!" Timothy laughed innocently as he continued to hug me tightly.

"Hehe... Good job Timothy... You're getting pretty good at this..!" I praised Timothy as he continued to hug me happily.

"Thank you..! I'm glad you take notice that I'm trying..." Timothy said as he fell into my embrace as we both slowly sat down on the floor.

We relaxed a little bit more after that, talking and laughing about things before eventually standing back up, and going to bed for the night.

Those last few hours of that day were fun... Can't wait for tomorrow!

(379 Words)

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