Don't Get Used To This... (Seek x Jack) (Frenemies)

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(Seek's POV)

I was sitting down in a chair, reading a book as it continued to thunder heavily outside.

I know Max wouldn't normally like this... But to think that after all this time, he would actually start to appreciate the rain... Feels weird...

I continued to ponder to myself as I didn't notice that Jack had walked into my room, tapping my shoulder and startling me.

"J- Jesus! Jack, what could you possibly want?!" I yelled in a fit of annoyance.

"Apparently Guiding Light is fed up with our shit, and he wants us to hang out and become friends." Jack said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Can't his kid just calm him down and make him forget about the two of us??" I asked, obviously annoyed by Jack's presence.

"...That's the thing... His kid is out fighting ANOTHER person... His name is "Guts" apparently." Jack said, bringing us off topic.

"THAT KID IS FIGHTING THAT GUY?!- We'll go back to that topic later." I yelled out, but immediately started controlling myself.

"Okay... So, even though I have to somehow enjoy time with the bitchiest person I know, what should we do?" Jack asked me.

"Well first, you should shut the fuck up. Second, maybe we could try seeing our skills?" I suggested.

"You're funny, but I'll humor you." Jack scoffed.

Jack quickly revealed a knife from behind him as he held it in front of him before speaking.

"Alright... Watch this." Jack said as he begin slashing at the air with different styles about 50 times a second, impressing me quite a bit.

Jack stopped as he flipped the knife in his hand and concealed it behind himself again.

"Alright tough guy, let's see what you can do now." Jack said, encouraging me.

I took a deep breath and launches myself up with a beam from my hands that resembled the slime on my body as I then started shooting beams into the air.

I then ended it all off with a giant ball made from the matter on my body and threw it at the ground, making it explode on impact.

"Dude what the hell?! You got you're goo all over me man!" Jack yelled in an aggravated tone.

"As an honorable tribute to Max, that sounded extremely gay." I said, making Jack sigh.

"Look... Clearly none of this is working out, I know this sounds bad, but we're going to have to act like we became friends." Jack said to me, sending shivers down my spine.

"Jeez as if my day couldn't get any worse." I said to myself.

"Yeah yeah, shut up and stop being a crybaby, it isn't that bad." Jack said as he turned around and started to walk out of my room.

"And remember, we totally became friends." Jack said, pointing to me as he closed my door.

I sighed and went back to my desk as I picked up my book again and started off from where I last left off.

Now which section did I leave off of..?

Oh, right..! Let's see...

Chapter 12 of "How to love"

(518 Words)

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