A Friendly Face (Dupe & Screech) (Friendly)

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(Screech's POV)

I had been roaming around the dark rooms that lurked around this hotel, seeing if I could scare any humans nearby.

I searched a small room that I had found, to no avail, and continued on into the next room, not noticing the door plate.

The number on it seemed to be wrong, and I didn't notice it in time to stop myself from entering the door.

I opened the door, immediately becoming cautious on what would lie ahead, to find what seemed to be another dark room.

I saw a face in the darkness, and it seemed to be an entity like me and everybody else, they were just minding their business in silence.

They noticed me almost immediately as they looked in my direction before speaking to me.

"Hey there kid, aren't you supposed to be with everyone else?" The face asked.

"Uhm... I uh... No... This is what I do, this is my job." I replied back nervously.

"...You wait in the dark all day waiting to scare someone? Seems familiar." The face joked as they clearly knew the pun they were making.

"You... Do the same thing dont you..?" I asked slowly.

"Yep, this is all I do. It's not that fun, you could relate probably." The face admitted, and he was right, I could relate.

"Say you look like you could be real good friends with that "Gage" fella, have you met him?" The face asked me.

"Yeah, he's my second best friend besides Timothy the Spider." I replied back honestly.

"Huh... Figured." The face simply said back.

"What's your name?" I asked after a couple seconds of waiting.

"The name's Dupe, I act like a real door when in reality, I'm actually a death trap." Dupe listed off his traits.

"And you?" Dupe asked back.

"I'm uh... Screech, I hide in the darkness and bite people if they don't look at me in time." I replied back, making Dupe chuckle a bit.

"Well then more than a majority of Earth's population is screwed then, about a quarter of them are blind!" Dupe joked again as I started chuckling too.

"Alright kid, I won't keep you here long, go and go find something else to spend your time with." Dupe said, turning around to stare of into the darkness.

"Alright, it was nice meeting you Dupe!" I said excitedly.

"You too Screech." Dupe said back as I closed the door and descended back into the darkness of the dark rooms.

Well that was something I wasn't expecting today...

(427 Words)

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