Day 1 - Gay

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Shout out to my beautiful boyfriend Jædan. One of my favourite gays so y'know
The clock ticked over from 9:34AM to 9:35AM and Jack awoke. It was one of the rare nights he actually had to sleep. Since he was half archangel he only slept once very two weeks, if that. He rolled over to look at the newly hung calendar in the opposing wall. Currently it was hung at on a page simply saying "Happy Pride Month" in rainbow colours. He smiled at it. He was happy to be learning new things and this was close to his heart considering he dad two dads of his own (three if you count Sam).

He stood up and walked towards the calendar flipping over the first page. This calendar was different, rather than being month by month this was day by day.

This page read "June 1st Welcome to Pride Month"

Where the picture should have been was instead colours in horizontal stripes. A flag, Jack remembered Claire had told him. This flag was a beautiful array of blues and greens as well as a stripe of white. Underneath the flag in a cursive font was written "Gay", Jack nodded approvingly.

He walked out of his room the same time a bloody Sam was walking down the hallway.

Jack started forward but Sam put his hands up saying "Not mine. Vamps nest"

He pointed towards his room

"Gonna go clean off"

Jack calmed down and smiled walking off in the opposite direction to find the others. Everyone already seemed to be up and active. He met Dean on the way as well also splattered in blood.

"Hello" Jack said raising his hand in greeting.

"Hey Jack, did you sleep?" Dean asked

"Yes it had been a while" Dean nodded and continued on to his room.


He met Cass I'm the main hall and sat down at the table with him

"Good morning Jack"

"Morning" Jack said yawning slightly.

"Sleep night?" Cass asked


Not too long after Jack turned to Cass with a question "The calendar Claire game me says it's the first day of Pride. Todays page said Gay. Is that a sexuality or gender"

"Yes I did notice that too when I changed the calendar. Gay is a sexuality, it's when a man loves another man but they only like men. It's also used as an umbrella term for anyone who has a diverse sexuality.

"So anyone can be considered Gay bit the specific definition is a man who only likes men?"

"Correct. I myself am Gay, as you know I love Dean but I exclusively love men. I once had a sexual relationship with a woman but that didn't feel right"

Footsteps could be heard walking into the room that Jack and Cass were in. And Dean emerged drying his damp hair with a towel. He looked up smirking having overheard the conversation

"Yeah and like that time after the first apocalypse I took him to a strip club amd he scared the girl off" Dean laughed to himself but Cass looked horrified at the sheer mention of the event.

Cass shook his head slightly trying to forget that awkward memory. "Anyway does that answer your question Jack?"

"Yes, thanks" Jack smiled "This is a really nice celebration, I like learning about diversity"

Cass patted Jack on the back smiling at him, Dean also have him a squeeze on the shoulder as he walked past towards the kitchen.

Just as Dean had left the room the main entrance door opened and Claire walked in coming back from her grave yard shift down at the local Gas n Sip.

Seeing Jack she called out to him

"Hey Jack! Look what I got for you. Out of her pocket she pulled a small round pin in the same colours as the flag on the calendar

"Kaia's store is stocking them and she's giving me the spares. Here I got one for you and Cass, you can collect them"

Claire threw them each a pin, Jack caught it and smiled at it, holding is slightly up to inspect it. Cass proceeded to pin it to the left side of his coat.

"Thank you Claire" they said in unison. The three of them began to chuckle as Dean walked back into the room. A plate full of bacon.

Claire snagged a piece off the plate and before Dean could catch her she ran for the hall laughing.

Dean sat down next to Cass and Jack, he noticed the new patch of shine on Cass' trench coat and he pulled the coat towards him to see what had caught his eye. He looked at the pin and made an approving face.

"Nice pin babe" he said kissing Cass

"Thank you Dean"

While Cass and Dean were busy flirting Jack stood up and left for his room. He walked into his room and wondered where he would display the pins

Suddenly he got an idea, his eyes lit up their golden hue and he to materialised a white piece of cloth and four thumbtacks. He pinned the cloth to the wall next to his calendar and pinned up the first flag.

Jack was really happy with what he was learning and was exited to expand his new found collection.

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