Day 29 - Panromantic

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Jack was psyching himself up. He'd finally figured out how he'd felt towards Clarke. He was going to tell him, He was sure he could do it and he was certain he wanted to. With determination in his heart no nerves in his stomach he went back to his room and began texting Clarke.

"Hey can I talk to yoy about something?" His message was received almost instantly

Yeah I got something to talk to you about as well"

"Well you go first"

"No no you asked first"

Ok here goes nothing" Jack inhaled deeply and began to type

"We haven't known each other very long and you are one of my of my closest friends. In my life I haven't had the opportunity to make real friends in life, they don't stick around. But I met you and I've felt a certain way about you ever since we rekindled our relationship. I like you Clarke and it's in more than a friend way. I am panromantic which means I am romantically inclined to all genders. But I have fallen for you. I have feelings for toy beyond those i have felt for another before"

Before Jack could decided to take it back he pressed send. Now all he could do was wait for Clarke's response.


Clarke read the message over several times. He could not believe it, Jack had feelings for him, he felt the same. And he'd told Clarke. How was he supposed to respond to that. "Jack I feel the same way. For so long I didn't know how I felt about you but you literally took the words right out of my mouth. I like you as more than a friend as well. So I guess this means I like you too" Clarke sent the message straining at his screen waiting for a reply.

"If we both feel the same, I guess I would like to ask. Will you go out with me?"


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