Day 2 - Lesbian

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Jack teleported inside as the sun peaked over the horizon slowly dimming the stars. He flew back to his room and sat on his bed. That was the best thing about not having to sleep regularly. He could watch the universe go by undisturbed. Watching his grandfather's beautiful creation spin on. It didn't matter what his grandfather had done in the past. This world, this galaxy, this universe was beautiful beyond compare.

He stood, remembering that it was a new day, to change his calendar, the new colours shining in-front of him. Today the calendar read "June 2nd". The flag on this page was similar in pattern to the first but with colour differences, this one was filled with shades of pink and orange accompanied by the similarly placed white stripe (seven nation army starts playing ominously from my room). Across the bottom in the same cursive font read "Lesbian". Jack tilted his head, it was his favourite so far, but he wasn't too quick to hold onto that opinion because there was still 28 more days to go.

Unknown to Jack and most other occupants of The Bunker they were soon to be joined by one, red-headed tech nerd.

Through The Bunker a sharp knocking could be heard at the door. As paranoid as ever Dean made his way to the door gun slipped into the waist band of his sweats ready to be fired at a moments notice. He opened the door only to see Charlie.

"What's up bitches" she said holding up her signature peace sign.

Dean relaxed instantly and pulled her into a firm hug. Charlie was like Sam and Dean's sister-from-another-mister. Or at least that's what she had used.

Sam came through the hallway, having heard Charlie's trademark greeting, to say hello. He gave her a classic Sam Winchester bear hug lifting he feet from the ground slightly. She had to tap out before he suffocated her.

Cass and Gabriel eventually accompanied the brothers "Charlie, it's really good to see you" Cass said before embracing Charlie. She turned to Gabe noticing a face she didn't recognise.

"Ah, so this must be the famed Charlie. I've heard great things about you"

Charlie blushed slightly "And you must be Gabriel"

"Please call me Gabe" he said pulling his red lollipop out of his mouth to talk better.

Sam turned to Gabe feigning hurt with a pout and his famous puppy eyes "But I thought I was the only one who can call you Gabe"

"Oh hush Samuel"

That shut Sam up really quick, he hated when people called him Samuel "Rude"

Suddenly Claire came rushing into the room "Charlie, Hi, can I talk to you for a quick minute" and without waiting for an answer she grabbed Charlie by the arm and dragged her doesn't the hall. The two of them disappearing.

"What the heck was that about" Gabe asked.


Claire pulled Charlie into her room and slammed the door behind them. Claire began pacing back and forth nibbling on her thumb nail

"Claire what's up?" Charlie asked placing a hand on Claire shoulder haunting her from her pacing.

"How did you figure out you were a Lesbian" she spat out in one quick breath.

Charlie thought for a moment

"We'll it was sorta more complicated then just one simple how. I guess when I was young people would tell me how realtionships would work. That boys would love girls and girl would love boys. But that didn't ever feel right to me. And then as I grew up I started looking at girls the way I was "supposed"-" she used air quotes. "-to like boys. I eventually kissed a girl when I was older and knew that girls were definitely my thing. Boys just felt gross"

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