Day 25 - Non - Binary

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Shout out to my favourite ranga Livsmars. Love you bro

There was a soft clicking and scratching sound coming from behind Jacks door. He was sitting on his desk chair drawing away at something. He had drawn a line with several points marked in it.

On one end the points was labeled 'Female' and underneath that '(women, girl, lady)'. On the very other side was written 'Male' and underneath that '(man, boy, dude)'. The third point was in the middle of the line. It was labeled Non-binary, underneath that was a definition 'Non-binary is the middle of the gender spectrum but is considered outside the binary. A non-binary person is neither female or male and states that their identity does not fit to the confines of the binary gender. That was what Claire's calendar said today was. In between Non-binary and the male point was written Demiboy accompanied by a definition, and on the other side of the non-binary next to female with Demigirls also with a definition.

What Jack had created was a simplified gender spectrum. He sat back once he had finished, proud of his work. He stood up and pinned this against his wall next to the mass of other things he had managed to collect during Pride, it brought him such joy to be contributing and to be apart of this wider community of creative and diverse individuals.

I'm honestly ashamed of what I wrote for this fic I have several non-binary friends and I honestly feel like I've let them down. But I set the standard to high for my self and I just couldn't meet it. So I'm sorry for my appealing writing currently

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