Day 5 - Pansexual

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There was a sweet aroma floating about the halls of the bunker making its way into each room. Dean was sniffing at the air trying to follow the heavenly smell back to its origin. He followed the sugary smell all the way to the kitchen where he found Sam cooking on the stove

"What for breakfast?"

Sam looked over his shoulder and saw Dean

"Good morning to you too" he said sarcastically

Dean rolled his eyes. Even though Sam was childish and annoying at time he was still glad that they could have those lighter, brotherly moments. (Not me preaching through the characters inner dialogue)

"It's pancakes Dean"

Dean did a little happy dance (please tell me someone remembers that, with Mrs butters)

"Oh hoho yes" Dean clapped his hands together as Sam smiled and shook his head.

There was a small swoop and then a pop "Hiya Dean-o"

"Jesus" Dean almost jumped out of his skin "What is your problem?" Dea scowled

"Well your standing in my spot next to Sam and I couldn't very well teleport on top of you"

Dean rolled his eyes and walked away towards the hall "Damned trickster" he scoffed

"Morning babe" Gabriel said as he sneaked his hand around SAMS waist looping his finger around the drawstring of Sam's sweats

"Morning. Hungry?" Sam asked

"Starving" Gabriel said planting a kiss on Sam's shoulder because that's all he could reach, Sam chuckled and bent down giving Gabriel a proper kiss

"Go and sit down, I'll be done soon, and don't agitate Dean"

Gabriel turned popping his hum one more time "No promises Samsquach"

Sam scoffed "And spit that out you'll rot your teeth"

Just as Gabriel was about to disappear down the hall way he stuck his head back in and blew another bubble bursting it with a loud pop.

Sam finished making the pancakes piling them onto each plate. He didn't usually cook food with this much sugar and preservatives but it was a special occasion so a once off was ok. He had gone out specially for today to buy the food dye.

He was keeping tabs on the days for this Pride months and considering today was his and Gabriel's dat he wanted commemorated it, even though it was small. He also thought Jack would accoriate this.

He piled 5 pancakes onto a plate for Dean 2 for him and Claire and 1 for Jack. He was actually quite proud of his work. The pancakes were segmented into three colours and perfect circles. He had found on old cake tin to keep the shape and poured the pink, yellow and blue mix into the tin marking sure they cooked slightly before adding the next colour

Once he had finished serving out the pancakes he placed the pin he had bought for Jack on the plate. He also placed one on Gabriel's plate and fastened his own to his shirt.

Some how he managed to balance, 4 plates in his hand and along his arms like a waitress as we,l as the whipped cream can and the maple syrup. He got to the main hall without dropping a single plate and let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding once he he placed them down in front of each person.

"Where did you learn how to do that?" Dean asked

"Do what?"

"That" Dean said gesturing towards Sam's arms

"Oh, I waited tables at a local bar a few years back" Dean pursed his lips in approval

"Where are Jack and Claire" Sam looked around d see if no sign of them. From no here in particular Jack said "I'm here" and suddenly his head popped up from behind the library shelve. Claire also walked into the room, as if on queue, with a massive stack of books

"Jack! I found more" there was thump and oof from Claire as she dumbed the books on the floor

"Wait is that pancakes?" She screwed over from the library to her place at the table. Jack joined them as well.

Just as Dean had began showing his face full of pancakes he looked around quickly "Where's Cass" swallowing ne stood up and dreaded for the hallway presumably to his and Cass shared room.

Jack sat down next to Claire and began tearing bits of his food and eating it. He never really like cutlery his hands worked just fine. That's when he noticed the pin in the exact same co,ours as his pancake on his plate.

"Sam did you get this?" He looked il and saw the same pin on Sam and Gabriel's shirt.

"Wait you guys have the same pin. Is it ur day?"

"Correct-a-mundo kid. We are your residential Pansexuals" Gabriel comments

"Wait pansexual? You mean like pots and pans?"

Sam, Gabriel and Claire laughed

"No Jack. Pansexual is a term for a person who likes people regardless of gender, it doesn't matter what they have in their pants it just matters about who they are" Sam explained

"Oh so it just matters in the person and who they are not their physical anatomy. It doesn't matter at all?"

"Nope. Some people consider themselves gender blind. Just another way to describe it"

"Love is very expansive thing" Jack smirked as he added "But that's what makes it beautiful"

"What doe each of the colour stand for?"

"Uh I don't remember"

"I got this Samich. The pink is for attraction to women, the yellow is attraction to non-binary and the blue is for attraction to men" Gabriel chipped in

"Huh, thank you"

"No problem Jackie" Ah there is was, now everyone in the bunker had an offical nickname courtesy of their resident archangel.

"By the way" Sam added between a mouthful of pink pancake "what were all those books you guys were looking at?"

"Oh turns out the Men of Letters have a really extensive collection of Queer history" Claire jumped in

"What?" I've been through the archives hundreds of times. Why have I never seen it" Sam said confused

"Surprise, surprise it was in the box labeled 'Do not open. Dangerous information' but we saw that little rainbow sticking out the gap in the lid"

Sam pinched the bridge of his nose "Of course the two of you went snooping in a box that had all signs pointing to something unsafe"

"But it's really interesting maybe the reader would like to hear about the history?" Jack said looking up at the viewer through the screen.

No one noticed what Jack said.

The writer winked ;)

Finally Dean and Cass came back in. Cass took one look at the food on the plates chuckled. "Very cleaver Sam"

Sam shrugged his shoulders. They all sat down and resumed conversation, once that was done Jack went off to his room briefly to put his pin up. He came back and sat down in the library with Claire going through all the books. Somewhere Jack had found sticky note to flag the interesting pages.

"Hey Claire, can I ask you something"

Claire looked up from her book seeing jacks concentrated face "Yeah, if everything ok"

Jack paused "Everything is fine, I've just been thinking recently. With everything I'm learning about Pride. I'm starting to think about how I fit into all of this"

Claire gave him a serious look "You know just because the rest of us are queer doesn't mean you have to be"

Jack thought for a bit "I do know that. But...sometimes I don't feel like a boy. I don't exactly know how to describe it. And I'm worried about telling the others and-"

"And that's ok Jack, it can take year for someone to figure it out. For now you can talk about it with me and we'll keep everything under warps. You don't owe to anyone an explanation if your not ready" she finished quoting Charlie.

"Thank you Claire" she gave him a reassuring smile and crawled over to give him a hug. He hugged her back and they turned back to their books

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