Day 9 - Graysexual

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Jack was walking around the halls of the Bunker looking for the resident blond. He found Claire sitting in the war room surrounded by piles of books and her laptop.

"Woah ok, what are you doing?" Claire started and knocked over a pile of books.

Jack cringed as the books collapsed to the floor.

"Jesus Jack. You scared the shit outta me."

"Sorry" Jack said as he began piling up the books again.

"It's fine" Claire also piled the books along side him

"What are you doing here?"

"Just history homework in queers. It's quite sad actually, there are so many people who were mistreated over the years"

Jack exhaled, humans treated each other so horribly, he didn't understand how humans went so astray.

"I will never understand why humans are so discriminatory towards each other"

Claire shrugged her shoulders

"Just one of our many flaws as a race. Anyway what were you looking for me for?"

"Oh" Jack had monetarily forgotten his reason for seeking Claire.

"Today is Graysexual today. What is it"

Claire zoned out for a moment, thinking.

"I don't think I know, Le me look it up" she opened a new tab on her laptop and searched it up.

And onto the screen piped a purple, gray and white flag. On the right side of the screen was helpful definition.

"Graysexuality is when a person only experiences sexual attraction some of the time and other times not at all. They could also only enjoy sex under very specific circumstances" Claire read aloud.

Both of them simply nodded their heads, slowly.

"The more you know" Claire said turning to Jack.

He smiled back at her "Thank you" and he headed back to his room.

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