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As a click of the camera rang through the room, Mickey sat on the couch and watched as Tina and Brittany danced as Beyoncé's top hit began to play. Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)- Sung by Beyoncé. Watching them dance gave Mickey a sense of jealousy because they did it with no thought and had nobody telling them how terrible they looked and how stiff their movements were. They were dancing with a carefree attitude, something he only got when he used it for a release for anger.

As he began to get lost in thought he heard footsteps coming from above, and turned around to see his father's disapproving face. "Dad! You're home early." Kurt said flustered, obviously not expecting to see their Dad who was usually still at the tire shop.

"Deadliest Catch is on. " Burt quickly explained, "What are you wearing?" He continued confused as to why there were two other girls in his basement, not that he didn't mind the company, happy that his oldest son was finally making friends.

"It's a unitard. " Answered Kurt embarrassingly, "Guys wear them to, uh, work out nowadays. Do sports.They wick sweat from the body." He lied, Mickey nodding to help the lie seem believable as Burt put a finger in Kurt's unitard, letting it snap back into place, nodding wearily.

Seeing Kurt start to break a sweat, Mickey quickly covered for him, " For like Football and Cheer" he fibbed, thinking on his feet.”I have to wear them all the time at practice,pops”

Giving a grateful glance towards his brother, Kurt nodded his head continuing, "Yeah, all the guys in football wear them. They're jock chic." He finished, Mickey giving a pointed look at Brittany, signaling for help.

Getting the hint, Brittany added on insightfully, "Totally. Kurt's on the football team now. He's the kicker - that's the smallest guy on the field, right?" She asked as Mickey nodded his head giving Brittany a wink.

"Yeah. " Kurt finished, grateful to have his friends here, "Brit and Tina were just helping me with some conditioning work."

"Hmm. Really. " Burt said unconvinced, but decided against voicing it out,saying" You know, I played in JC before I busted up my knee, popping wheelies on my third bike."

Cool." Kurt replied with a relieved smile, glad to avoid an even more uncomfortable conversation, "l guess we'll have something to talk about,then." Kurt chuckled.

"So one of you two is his girlfriend?" Burt asked, changing the subject in a hopeful tone.

Kurt, taken aback by the question quickly puts his hand on Brittany’s back "But I'm not ready to be exclusive just yet." Kurt finished, also quite uncomfortable with where his hand laid.

"Alright, just keep the music down.I can't hear myself think up there." Burt sighed, beginning to walk back upstairs, turning to face the four teens once more before saying, " And hey, Kurt. Be sure to get me a ticket to your first game."

Kurt slowly nodded, his grin disappearing once he realized the pickle he was in. Seeing his distressed state, Mickey walked over and put a comforting hand on his shoulder, telling him softly, "Don't worry. I've got a plan." Kurt looked at him confused, but nonetheless grateful for his help.
Mickey was now sitting with Santana who was filing and painting his nails. The two had
become much closer over the past few months and one might’ve even have caught feelings. However, the two had never done anything seeing as the male was taken but never say never.

While they bonded, there was a certain asian male that seemed to be very interested in something in Mickey’s direction. He was sitting on the opposite side of the room, in conversation with Finn and Puck, but wasn't really paying attention, his mind and eyes on the male who was laughing with the latina, a boy who he had been in an almost dating situation for years until he got with Lexi, a male who he was deeply in love with.

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