Never Been Kissed

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It was official, Mickey Hummel was back on the top. He had finally got Roger to write his letter to Sue and regained his position as cheer captain.

To say he was ecstatic was an understatement. Mickey missed being on the squad, he missed his talks with Sue, he missed how they would judge the other cheerios together, he missed his cheerios uniform. But most of all, he missed being a part of something. Of having a community and something to look forward to.

Though what came with this was his absence from the Glee Club once more. His presence there throughout the past two months was great for most. There was a certain light that came with him, almost like they were back to their first year together. With Mickey there, the atmosphere was nice, Santana and Brittany were happier, Kurt smiled more, just about everyone seemed livelier.

Everyone but Tina who seemed to always find a reason to glare at him. She was constantly bitchy with him and it caused him to retort which often left the room in a tense silence or Tina with a gaped mouth. It was the only downside to having him back. They were all used to his side comments but when it came to Tina it was like watching Sue and Will fight.

But all in all, him being back in the cheerios meant him leaving them again and most were saddened by that fact. During their two months back together they became used to him again, and they weren’t too thrilled for him to leave.


Finishing their cheer routine, the squad made a pyramid with Brittany on top. The blonde being thrown into the air where she flipped and landed in Mickey’s arms.

“Excellent, Elegant, Perfect!” Sue shouted in her megaphone, all the cheerleaders smiling at her words having not heard her praise in a while

She constantly made snide comments no matter how hard they tried after Mickey was gone. It was obvious she too missed him as they all did, even if it was her decision to dismiss him, and because of it she took all her anger out on them.

But now it seemed she was turning back around.

“Let gracefully welcome back my lovely number two,” Sue instructed, causing everyone to applaud, cheer, and hug the Hummel boy who smiled softly at them all more than happy to be back

”Do you feel that? That excitement and joy, that order?” Sue questioned them all, and looked Mickey in the eyes with a smile,”That’s all back because of you. Honestly, we should have a pep-rally for your return,” she joked, and winked at the male,”It’s good to have you back,Mickey,” she said

“Good to be back,” Mickey replied, chuckling when Brittany jumped onto his back in excitement as Santana smirked proudly

Once again everyone cheered and applauded in happiness, all happy with his return.

“Now hit the showers, you lousy scoundrels,” Sue yelled, her demeanor changing quickly prompting them all to leave

“It really is good to have you back, Micks,” Santana spoke as they walked to her locker with brittany,”Sue’s less of a bitch with you around,” she joked, causing him to laugh

“I’m glad to be back,” Mickey told her,” I don’t think I could have handled another day stuck in that stupid choir room,” he muttered, rolling his eyes

“But it was so much fun having you back in there,” Brittany whined, as she grabbed his hand, swinging it as she walked,”Didn't you like being with us again?” she asked him softly, looking up at him

“Of course I did, Minnie,” Mickey responded just as soft,”I just would rather not be around the  other people who are also apart of the club,” he explained, the blonde nodding in reply and Santana to look at him thoughtfully

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