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Finn looks surprised to see Carole, Burt, Kurt and Mickey walking towards him at his locker, "Oh. What's going on? Is this one of those interventions, 'cause..” he trailed off, looking at the four in confusion

“If it is, it's for the three of us. They bombarded me and forced me to bring them to you,” Kurt responded, a confused smile on his face as Mickey rolled his eyes

“Yeah, I got dragged too,” Mickey muttered, crossing his arms as he leaned against the lockers and looked at the adults boredly,”So..” he drawled, raising a brow at them

"Okay, come on, tell 'em," Burt said to Carole with a boyish grin as the woman shook her head

"No, no, no, you. Come on," Carole replied, the both of them continuing a small joyful augment before Burt decided he would tell the kids

"All right, so you know how I drive Carole to work every Tuesday? Well, today I drove here, and we snuck into that classroom where Kurt introduced us...very romantic of me, I might add, And-” Burt began to explain, his smile only getting bigger and bigger

"He proposed! He proposed!" Carole shouted excitedly, showing her ring to the boys as Kurt immediately geeked out while Finn and Mickey stayed silent

"You stole the punch line! Come on!" Burt laughed, wrapping his arms around his now fiance

"Wow. This just happened?" Finn asked, looking dumbfounded as Mickey still kept silent, his eyes never leaving the couple

"Oh, Dad!" Kurt gasped, almost looking happier than the couple as he looked intently at the ring

"Oh! We wanted the three of you to be the first to know," Carole told them, her smile now soft as she looked particularly at Finn and Mickey

"Yeah, after the kids in that homeroom. Come on, family hug, huh? Okay. Come on!" Burt says, pulling them all in a hug which Mickey quickly backs away from

“I’m so excited, an-and nervous!” Carole gushed, her hands practically shaking from excitement

"0h, don't be, don't be," Kurt said, clapping his hands together,"oh, my God, this is just what I needed. I will take care of it from here. I have a trunk full of wedding magazines hidden under my bed. I'm thinking of a russet and cognac theme. Those are colors, Finn. Fall wedding colors. Autumnal,” he began to rant

"Nothing too extravagant, Kurt, okay? We're gonna use whatever savings we have. We are spending it on the honeymoon. That's right. We're going to Waikiki. We 're gonna go to the hotel where they put up the guest stars on Lost," Burt cut in, trying to calm his son a little as Carole notices the silence from the other boys

"Finn, you-you haven't said anything. O-or you Mickey,” Carole stuttered, looking at them both cautiously but mainly Mickey who had an unreadable expression

"Uh, I'm...I guess I'm just kind of stunned," Finn said, looking a bit lost as Mickey just averted his eyes from the couple

"Hey, don't worry. I'm already looking for a bigger house. One where everybody's gonna get their own rooms, alright?" Burt told him, as Carole smiled at her son

"Come on, honey. Be happy for me,” Carole pleaded, earning a small smile from Finn

"I am, Mom," He mumbled, as Mickey looked back at the couple blankly

“Mick?” Burt questioned, causing everyone to look at the teen who stared at them blankly

“Congratulations,” Mickey forced, his voice as blank as his face causing them to sadden slightly

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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