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After they won sectionals the glee club really thought things were going to change for the better.

Perhaps it was a little far-fetched to think they were on par with all the jocks and popular kids, but they had demonstrated the validity of this program. They weren't nobodies, they were talented kids, winners. Their classmates could show them a little more respect now at the very least, right?

Well, No…

As far as the rest were concerned, they were still losers. Thus, they were still worthy of getting slushied. Their status within the social hierarchy might have not changed, but some things within the glee club did change, especially relationship wise. Rachel and Finn started dating,something that was surprising, but not really. What was astonishing was how fast and serious it turned out to be. They had these weird his-and-her relationship calendars with all their next big dates for the month and such.

The Club was also brainstorming ways of getting Mickey back in the club because as much as Rachel hated to admit they all knew Mickey was the best and brought a light into the Glee Club. Their performance at sectionals was good but with Mickey it would’ve been great. So far all they thought of was serenading him or coming up with some stupid excuse to bring him back, all of which most turned down as they knew it wouldn’t work. But one specific male had a plan and he was gonna make it work no matter if he had help or not.

Mike was sitting on the back of the choir room, watching as Mr. Schuester drew a stick figure on the whiteboard with a speech bubble that said, "HELLO".

"Hello," Mr. Schue vocalized, pointing to his drawing. He then turned around to face them, repeating the expression a little more enthusiastically to earn a response. "Hello000?"

"Hello," the kids answered him in confusion.

"What do you guys say when you answer the phone?" Will inquired,standing in front of them.

"What up?" Mercedes started off,listing her response.

"Who dis be?" Artie added, contributing.

"No, she's dead, this is her oldest." Kurt told them with a far off look on his face, an awkward silence following after.

"0-kay." Mr. Schue continued, clearing his throat "Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, liked to say, 'ahoy, ahoy' when he answered the phone. It was Edison who decided that 'hello' was a more appropriate greeting."

The members of the glee club just stared at him, wondering where he was going with all of this. Surely, it was leading up to some sort of assignment, as his crazy ideas always did, but everything was a little unclear. "Look. I am really proud of what you guys did at sectionals. But, as most of you have realized by now, it hasn't made a bit of difference in your day-to-day at school."

"l have a slushie-stained training bra to prove it." Rachel chimed in to emphasize their teacher's point.

"I'm sure Finn would love to see the stain." Santana commented in a low tone with a smirk, just loud enough for Mike and Brittany to hear.

"I want to see it too." Brittany uttered, imagining all the shapes and colors the stain could be.

"No, you don't." Santana told her as she shook her head, intertwining their pinkies together when Brittany's mood deflated.

"Fact is, we're going to have to be better, even more spectacular at regionals. It's time for some reinvention, some new, New Directions. We need a new ... hello." Mr. Schue once again pointed to the word written on the board. "Here's your assignment for the week: Come up with a fresh number, but it has to have "hello" in the song title. Alright?"

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