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Mickey Hummel and Jesse St. James had found themselves becoming closer after their “date”. The two brought out the good in each other and felt as if they had known each other their whole lives, even though they had met not even two weeks ago.

Jesse helped Mickey out of his comfort zone when it came to performing, having found out Mickey had not once sung a solo or even gone full out during a number and Jesse knew he had to change that. Mickey was reluctant at first as he didn’t think he was a good performer and much less a singer, mainly because that’s what Lexi used to tell him repeatedly while they dated, but Jesse just seemed to bring it out of him. The boy had come to his house with several sheets of music from all kinds of musicals and forced him to sing at least one, which ended up being ‘Joahnna’ from Sweeney Todd.

Jesse was both shocked and proud to hear Mickey’s voice for the first time and showered him with so much praise the younger flooded the room with tears. Mickey couldn’t remember the last time anyone gave him praise and he wasn’t quite healed from Lexi, hell her words still flooded his head at moments but Jesse somehow made him forget all that for while. Granted Jesse had no idea about what happened but it didn’t take a genius to know Mickey needed some kind of reassurance regularly after that day, and Jesse was gonna make sure he gave it to him. The older boy sent texts, called at night, and made sure whenever he saw him Mickey knew he was good enough.

Unknowingly, Mickey helped Jesse feel wanted and not used. The teen had spent the majority of his life being used for his talent and Mickey clearly genuinely wanted to know him. Checking on him daily, treating him as if he was his closest friend, and made Jesse feel like he was more than just a performer.

That was something the two had in common, making each other feel like they were worth something, had meaning.

It was safe to say a certain asian male was jealous of this new friendship.

Mickey was standing by the piano with his fellow cheerios when suddenly a stranger came into the choir room. As the figure came closer, they revealed themselves as Puck…without a mohawk.

What was life?

"Who is that guy?" Brittany whispered, but everyone heard her

“It’s Puck?” Mickey his words coming out more as a question than statement, glancing at everyone else for some kind of answer

“What the hell happened?” Santana mumbled, as the club stood silent awkwardly


"l am very disappointed in you guys." Will told them, hands on his hips

"Can't believe you narked on us." Finn told Rachel as he turned to look at her with disbelief.

"Don't get mad at me for exposing your laziness." Rachel defended herself.

“Who are you calling lazy, Clown?” Mickey and Santana snapped simultaneously, turning to each other and linking pinkies, winking

"Look, I'm just tired of carrying all of your weight." The Berry girl sighed, aware of all of the looks people were throwing at her. "Regionals is in a month, guys."

"I'm just trying to understand what's going on here." Mr. Schuester said, still trying to process the news. "Finn, why did you stop singing?"

"Cause you started giving all the male leads to Jesse. Kind of shook my confidence, you know?" Finn confessed, fidgeting with his hands.

“Most of us don’t even get a chance to lead,” Mickey rolled his eyes, annoyed by Finn’s excuse

“This is your first time saying anything about wanting one” Finn challenged, turning to look at him

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