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LOVE.... is a weird thing. Love to most people is a dream. Something they hope for, something most people never truly find.

Love in the dictionary, is defined as ‘an intense feeling of deep affection.’ A definition that tends to change depending on the person. A definition that is overlooked because the word LOVE to many people has a personal meaning.

And for MIckey Hummel, love was poisonous, traumatic, and in no way a word he saw himself using ever again.


“Is he gonna be ok?” was the first thing Mike said as he saw Mickey’s family in the waiting room of the hospital

Mickey had been admitted into said hospital around 12 in the morning courtesy of Sue Sylvester, who he had called in need of help.

When Sue saw him it was safe to say she was filled with immense guilt and fear. He was passed out against a tree with bruises all on his neck, a cut on his cheek and Sue had never been more frightened. Taking him to the hospital immediately she called his father who soon showed up with his brother. To say their morning had been full of misery would be an understatement as they all knew what had happened even if they wanted to try and make up some other story, they knew he had a date with Lexi in that exact park at that exact area and when Sue was there Lexi was nowhere to be found. It was only sensible to know that she had done this.

“We don’t know,” Kurt sighed tiredly,”They won’t even tell us how bad it is,” Burt rubbed his back in comfort

“Mickey’s gonna be ok,” Burt spoke clearly, as he tried to convince them,”He’s gonna wake up and everythings gonna be ok,”

“That’s right,” The doctor said, startling everyone,”Sorry,” He chuckled, holding the chart,”Mickey is awake and stable. He has three broken ribs, and has signs of strangulation around the neck, and bruises all around his stomach area along with some scars old and new, which we can only take as a sign of abuse. So we are obligated to contact the police and we have him under surveillance just for precaution,” he spoke with sympathy,"We haven't told him yet but if you wa-"

"No, it's ok I can do it" Burt said sighing standing up,"I wanna have a moment alone with my son please," he asked the doctor who nodded

Walking into his son’s room, Burt took a good look at him, eyes tearing as he saw the bruises around his neck.

Noticing his dad Mickey’s eyes brightened,”Hey pops,” He greeted softly with tired eyes the medicine doing its job

“Hey,bud” He walked over sitting in the chair beside his bed,”How’re you feeling?”

“Um, better,” Mickey smiled slightly,”It kinda hurts to breath but I’m uh good,” he chuckled clutching the bed sheets

“Why didn’t you ever tell anyone,son?” Burt asked softly leaning forward

“I just,” He paused,”She told me that it was” he hesitated as if the word ws foreign to him” you know, and that she was trying to make me better. She said that nobody else ever truly” He hesitated again,”You know, and uh I believed her because of course I did, I’m so stupid” he cried ”I’m sorry” he whispered,”I’m so stupid,”

“Hey,no” Burt immediately consoled him,”No, you Mickey Hummel are not stupid. Whatever that girl put into your head is wrong,” The man all but pleaded to him,

Mickey shook his head with tears starting to fall,”I thought she l-lov-” he stopped himself “ I thought she really liked me,I believed her lies. How is that not stupid?” he sobbed

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