3 (No.5)

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From Final 10 down to last 5 and i guess my luck is really working now.

Five of us remain standing in the stage, and for that i am getting nearer to my dream.

My heart is racing fast again like a mad horse.

"Girls, from Five we will be eliminating 2 till we're down to the lucky 3. Are you ready girls?" the MC told us.

Trembling hand and rapid breathing is what i am feeling at this moment.

"We will be calling the names of the Lucky 3 and you may step forward." the MC continues.

*Ahn Suprawat*

And the girl stepped forward.

*Film Sokhran*

Another one has stepped forward.

Now it's only three of us that's left.

This is a nerve breaking moment of my life.

Crossed-fingers i am badly manifesting for my name to be called.

"And to complete the Lucky 3, you may step forward.. Bella Patrice Armstrong!"

I was shocked as i opened my eyes, it's really me huh?

"Congrats, please join them!" the MC said to me.

And i joined them, now the three of us are holding hand in hand as the final and biggest word will be coming from the CEO itself, the author of the book "Dream" Miss. Frin.

Once again, she joined us here in the stage and i cannot help but to steal glances on her. I shall admit that she is strongly gorgeous yet intimidating.

She's holding the envelope and now about to speak.

"Ahm first of all i want to thank all the participants who gave their time for this star hunt journey. All of us have dreams, to some it will come quick but to others it takes a lot of time but the plot twist is that as long as you keep working hard on it, in the end you will achieve it. And for you girls, the Lucky 3, you did your best so you've made it up to here. No matter what, don't stop chasing your dreams. Let me congratulate you in advance, the journey will not end here." she said as her inspiring words something like that.

She looked so professional and respective when she opens her mouth to speak.

"Here it is, the result is in my hand. The chosen one to play the Khun Sam role of the series Dream is..."

The three of us were like fighting for our lives at this moment, no breathing.
"NONE! No one has passed the Khun Sam role. Thank you everyone." she quickly said that made my world stopped.

"H-HUH?! What she just said??" i mumbled.

We're all like super shocked upon hearing the result.

So no one from us got the role of Khun Sam? Is that it??

I was left dumbfounded and emotionless till the staff assisted us to step down from the stage.

"Excuse me miss?? Was it done already?? None of us is Khun Sam? Really huh??" i asked the staff just to make sure i'm on the reality.

"Yes it is, you heard the CEO right? Uhm maybe they will go for the next audition." she told me.

I don't know but i cannot accept it like this.

"May i know where the director is??" i asked her.

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