6 (Closer)

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I slowly opened my eyes when i felt a hand on my forehead.

"Uhmm.. m-maam?" i uttered.

She was kinda surprised that she quickly moved her hand away.

"Aahh so you're awake now, good so you can have your breakfast." she told me with a cold tone.

She looked so dressed and is ready to go to work now.

"Lady boss.." i said as i am trying to get up.

But my body just can't do it, i'm still feeling so weak.

She don't just stared at me but she helped me to sit down instead.

"Thank you Lady boss." i said.

"What are you going to do huh? Are you thinking of coming with me at the office? No way! You're still hot so you need to rest to recover." she said firmly and i know i cannot defend myself anymore so i just turned silent and just nod at her.

"You rest here and wait for me to come home." she also told me.

"Yes Lady boss i will. I'm sorry for bothering you." i said looking down.
"Naaahhh enough for that. So, i will go now. I asked the helpers to assist you." she said before she went out the door.

I was left smiling not until i realized papa would have been waiting for me at home.

I was in a panic searching for my phone but then i remembered i left it on the studio.


Luckily there's a telephone beside me and thanks to my sharp memory coz i can recall papa's phone number.

I dialled him right away.


"Hello who's this??" his initial question.

"It's me Belle papa." i said.
"Hey kid, where are you?! Been waiting for you here!" he yelled at me this quick.

Ahhh such painful to my ears.

"Pa, tone down your voice it's so early in the morning." i told him.

"Whether it's morning or night or whatever i don't care. What happened to you? Hace you forgotten your way home??" he kept asking.

"I'm so sorry pa, i cannot make it this time coz we're so busy on workshop, the series will start filming so soon that's why it's so hectic for us." i reasoned.

I'm feeling guilty that i am making up story for i can't think of any other excuse. If he finds out that i didn't made it to the audition, he will be upset and i don't want that.

"Is that so? Oh.. okay sweetie. But come home once you have free time okay? I miss you and good luck, you have my full support. Ahhh finally i have an actress child, so proud!" he told me with joy in his voice.

"I will pa, thank you. Take care and see you soon. I'll go to work now." i said.

"Alright, take care of yourself sweetie." his response.


I sighed as i ended up the call.

It's getting boring here yet Lady Boss just want me to lay here in my bed. Arrgghh i can't take it!

I walked closer to the window and opened the curtain at the same time.

The weather is good to have fun than if i'm just here inside the room.

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