21 (A Little Braver)

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On the Next Day;

Right after the successful screening of Belle's first movie project, her hectic schedule continues. Today Frin and her has an event with a prominent Beauty Product Brand and they were chosen as the new ambassadors.

"Flowers for you Khun Belle and Khun Frin. Both look perfectly beautiful today." the lady CEO welcomed them with boquet of flowers.

"Khop Khun Kha. Our pleasure to represent your brand. Thank you for trusting us." frin responded with a smile.

"Thank you na ka Khun!" belle also said.

"Naahh I should be the one to say thank you. Knowing how relevant the two of you, for sure you will attract lots of customers so thank you." the CEO insisted and both giggled delightfully.

"I will leave you for a while because the event will about to start in a few minutes. See you at the stage." the boss even said before leaving them with their staff.

Frin still finishes her make-up while Belle is patiently waiting at the couch.

She's busy scanning at Space X to check on the hashtags when suddenly she saw article that got her startled.

Having no idea she quickly showed it to Frin and asked.
"Babe ka, I have a question." she told frin who reacted immediately.

"What is it bb?" frin asked back.

"Here. Why are they talking like this in Space X? And.. and I saw a clip of us kissing. It is the main gossip in socmed. What's happening??" belle's set of questions to Frin.

Since this is a sensitive issue of them so she requested the staff to leave them for a while so they can talk privately.

"Sorry teerak if I haven't told you yet for I don't want you to worry at this and I am handling it already with my legal team." frin said in a calm tone.

"But babe I still need to know, you don't need to deal with it alone." belle uttered in eagerness.

Frin held her hand and stares at her while they're sitting in the couch.

"Okay I will tell you. Lately, I received that clip with a threat that they will spread it in the purpose of ruining our image. They've been stalking us without us knowing. I got so worried not for me but for you, you've just started to build your name in the industry and I want to protect you so I kept it from you and consulted my legal team to help me with this. Please don't bother yourself, I am doing everything to fix this." frin told her with certainty.

Belle is staring at her anxiously but later on felt at ease because she trust her fully and in every words she says.

"I will protect you." she added and quickly pulled Belle for a nice comforting hug.

"Chan rak tua. I love you belle." she whispered.

"I love you too babe ka." belle response.

And they settled it in their own romantic way.

After some Minutes;

"Let's welcome to the stage the new face of LMV Beauty.. FrinBelle!"

The crowd gone loud the moment they stepped up the stage. Today's event is a box-office hit with lots of fans that filled up the mall.

"Sawatdee ka FrinBelle na ka!" they both said greeting the fans.

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