18 (Pen Faen Kan)

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I slammed the car door when i got in.

It really pissed me off the way dad said it, he is obviously manipulating me. Using my guilt feeling towards Sunny just so he can force me to choose her over Belle.

I won't ever gonna do that!

My love for Belle is so real and cannot be underestimated by anyone.

*Phone ringing*

It's P'Fan, i know she's looking for me.


"Where are you?? Come back here!" she said in a loud tone.

"I'm going home phi, please i don't want to talk about it anymore." my answer.

"Talk about what? What did you and dad talked about?" phi's question to me.

"He forbid our love yet wants me to be with sunny. It's so stupid phi!" i said with my nerve shaking with madness.

"Really? So dad is not that homophobic at all. He just want to control you like he is doing to me. What's your plan?" she asked.

"Well, i'm not giving up. As long as we're together no one can set us apart and i will fight for it." i said determined.

"So you're saying you will go against dad? Hays. You know i am always at your side okay? But take it easy, try to still convinced him. I will help you just ride along with dad for the mean time to avoid his anger." her advice to me. Well between us she spend more time with daddy so she knew him more than i do.

I am taking a deep breath to calm myself.

"Alright ka, but if belle gets hurt because of this, i don't just keep quiet." i said and she agreed to it.


I ended the call and sped my car away.

@The Penthouse

It's kinda late and i think belle is already sleeping at this time.

I didn't called her so she won't be disturbed.

So i slowly entered our room but here is dark. And as i turned on the lights, i don't see belle here.

I heard a loud scream coming from the kitchen so i ran fast to there.

Here i saw belle holding a tray that she took out from the oven.

The kitchen looked so messy and i bet she had a hard time just so she can cook.

I quickly approached her and helped her with it.

"What happened baby? I heard you screamed." i asked her.

"Hehe nothing. I got burned because i touched the hot tray. I just tried to bake seafood for our dinner babe." she said that tickles my heart.

"Aauuggh so sweet of you teerak. Lao lak tua na." i sweetly said when i hugged her from behind.

"I love you as well. Come, let's have dinner? I will just prepare quick." she said and so i helped her in cleaning the mess.

After some Minutes;

We set up the table here at the balcony and this is where we had our dinner.

It's past 11:00 PM in the evening yet seemed the night is still young for us.

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