23 (Love's Test)

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After the public announcement of our relationship status, well there's obviously things that has happened to us. We received more endorsements and recognitions. Big brands are inviting us to represent them and that's really overwhelming.

Gradually our fandom got bigger but yeah every good things comes with bad things too. If there's supporters there's also haters.

We cannot please everyone and that's we bear this in our minds.

@Stargaze Ent.

Today is our rehearsals for the upcoming Hongkong fanmeeting.

We will do singing, dancing and some acting skit too. It's an all around performance from FrinBelle.

"Closer FrinBelle! Awwwww!"

Everyone is a shipper here in Stargaze that's why we're all having fun.

"Naaaahhh you'll not gonna see it! Haha!" frin teased them and we're both giggling.

We're aware that they are capturing us and tagging us with their stories.
"Okay we're done! Good job everyone!" tommy proclaimed as the rehearsal ended.

"Baby here's your water." frin said as she handed me the bottled water she opened shortly.

"Thank you babe ka." I said smiling at her.

"Yiieee how sweet! You're really doing everything for Belle noh?" tommy teases in a shipper mode.

"Yes! I want to be everything for her! Dude, when you fall inlove you'll understand me!" frin told him bragging.

"But I do!" mami tommy firmly said.

"Do what?? Hey! Is there something that you didn't tell me??" frin asked him intrigued.

"H-huh?? No no.. nothing. Nevermind bun haha!" tommy refuses and looked away.

He's kind of troubled right now coz Frin is so curious about it.

"Naaahh stop it I'm a busy person." tommy then kept on refusing but he cannot hide the redness of his face.

"Tommy tell me! Tell me now!" frin insists shaking his shoulders.

Awww I think he has no plan of telling us so I stopped frin from interrogating her bestfriend.

"Babe ka, let's wait till he's ready." I said and ususual frin will listen to me immediately.

"Thank you. Come let's eat? My treat now." i invited her and the entire staff as well.

Lately, good things have been happening to me one after the other and they all help me a lot that's why this is my small thanksgiving to them.

"Heard it guys?? Belle is going to treat us. Let's go!" tommy then told everyone.

And we all went out to have a lunch together as a team.

Days After;

Last time we saw an article online mainly about Acting Awards.

This is the first time in my entire life to attend this kind of event if ever.

FrinBelle, our loveteam was nominated for the Couple of the Year award and this is one of the grand prize. Just being nominated along with the famous loveteams in Thai series was already a big achievement but winning this will surely open more doors for us.

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