24 (Request)

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I lost my mood after my conversation with Mr. Mike

I didn't expect this to happen so i'm panicking now. I need to think of a good solution and the idea that i came up with i think will solve this problem.

It's noon and i miss Belle so much. I want to visit her but i don't want to disturb her bonding with her father. I just thought i should go home and rest because my migraine attacks again.

"Tommy, you'll take care of this first and i just need to go home to relax. We'll talk tomorrow." i told him before i left my office. I just texted belle to remind her to drink water because she has a habit of cheating on milktea when i can't see her.

Such a stubborn.

I don't want her to be hospitalized again because of that.


When i got home, i immediately went to the room to prepare my bath, of course with my favorite bubble bath. When i was getting clothes from the closet, i saw the box that Belle found out where she saw my picture in college.

Since i saw it, i opened it and saw this picture of me with Seb, my colleague and my ex lover.

Yes he was part of my past.

We had a romantic relationship way back college until we graduated and started to build up our own career. We lasted for 2 years but we ended it up and since then we never saw each other ever again.

I sighed as i stared at his picture.

"You were my past and now i found my present and my future." i said and then put it back in the box and hid it again.

There is no more value to me whatever was related to us before because i have already moved on from him.

I must admit that i once loved him too. And now, there is nothing else in my heart and mind but Belle.

Because i was restless and it was still early, i called my sister to meet her.

Her wedding is coming soon and we don't see each other much anymore so i miss my Phi.
Maybe i will also ask her for a little advice regarding my company.

Well, if i have such matters, i don't trust anyone else to ask for advice but Tommy and my sister.

@The Restaurant

"Ohh hi sis, it's been a while. Glad you still remember your sister." she said sarcastically to me when i arrived here at the sushi restaurant we often go to.

I sat in front of her.

"Aish, stop that phi. I'm sorry that i'm just too busy with the company and Belle and also our schedules, especially since we have an upcoming movie together." i answered her and she just sighed.

I know that my sister is also sulking because i can't even help with her wedding preparations.

"Hmm.. here's the wedding invitation. Maybe you can come." she said with doubt in the tone of her speech.

"Naahh of course this is my only sister's wedding so i will definitely come. And i will also bring Belle with me." i told him smiling.

"I'm sorry Phi, please don't sulk. I will come to your wedding okay?" i said holding her hand to assure her.

"Hmmm okay okay, as you said. I will count to that. So anyways, what's the matter why did you meet with me? Is there a problem?" she asked me and i nodded.

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