20 (My Girl)

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After some Days;
@Stargaze Ent.

I was startled when Tommy suddenly came rushing to my office.

"W-what?? Why on Earth you barged to my office like this?!" I asked him with my eyebrow raised.

"Here! Take a look at this!!" he said quickly giving me his phone.

And what i saw just shocked me.

"T-tommy, where did you get this clip??" I asked him wondering. My hands started to shake and so my knees are trembling too.

"Someone sent that on our company's email." he said.

"What about that clip huh? That was on your residence and it's clearly you and belle." he told me and I just nodded.

"Y-yes. But why?? Who might captured that? Someone is stalking us??" my questions as i am thinking hard about this.

"WTH! Now that you confirmed it, I can say that your safety and privacy has been invaded. Whoever did that has a motive. Maybe some of your rivals and opponents?" he added. And as i think of it, maybe he is right.

"AISH! Tommy please settle it here. Does the staff seen it already? If yes tell them to shut their mouth and just keep it themselves. I will consult my lawyer right away. I won't let it pass now that Belle is involved!" I strongly said and he agreed to it.

I am worrying for myself but i think about Belle's welfare more.

This should not be happening!

Tommy went out to do the task I'd given to him and I am left alone again.

I cannot help not to overthink with this.
Based on the clip, i think it was filmed from the other building nearby. The penthouse is a high-raised building and we're on the 27th floor so it is impossible to have that camera angle from the street below.

But who knows where my unit is?
I bet the stalker really did the job well.

I am in tension right now.

I got some wine and stood up right the window.

From here I can see Belle's first billboard.

Seeing her smile calms my heart.
Finally, the reality of her dream is slowly happening. This makes me happy.

*Phone ringing*

I came back to senses when heard my phone rang, so i quickly picked it up.

It's my girl.


"Hello teerak! I'm on my break now. Did i disturbed you?" she asked in a high pitch. Aww this kid is hyper again.

"Naaahh ofcourse not. How are you baby? What are you having now huh? Milktea? Hmp." i asked her and i can hear her giggling from the other line.

"Hehe how did you know? I'm tired, i need sweets." she said sounding like a child with her tone.

"Ohh but i cannot get there right now you kid." i said.

"Ehh? You don't need to come i know you're busy today babe." she said innocently.

Well she didn't got the humour on it again.

"You said you need sweets and i am sweet so i should be there." i uttered in my proud voice.
"Ahhh. HAHAHA I got it babe!" she said bursting into laughter.

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