9 (GAP)

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I held her hand while i'm gently caressing her face.

Her lips are soft, seems like i don't want to stop.

But i also felt the gasping of her chest and we gradually separated from each other.

Staring at each other, we're both catching our breath.

She looked at me with questions in her eyes.

"W-what have we done?" she asked stuttering.

"It's kissing. You and me, we kissed." i answered her with certainty.

And she quickly let go of my grip and turned away.

"But we shouldn't have done that. Aish!" she said touching her lips and i held her chin up to face me.

"And you just did belle. Maybe because you have a heart like mine too or ahm maybe you also feel the same way towards me?" i told her in a shy tone.

She was surprised with what i've just asked.

"H-huh?? You think so? But.. but.. mâi roo a! I don't know." she said.

She's clearly confused now.
I understand it's her first time, well my first time too but i am sure of my feelings.

I cupped her cheeks as i stare in her eyes.

"I got it, you have many questions in your mind but if you think about it, at the first place you auditioned for "Dream" which is a GL series. At the beginning you're already aware that you will be paired with a girl. Isn't it a big clue about your personality?" i explained to her and seemed like she was enlightened already.

"You're right." she said pouting.

"Awwww nalak!" i uttered as i tapped her nose.

"So it's confirmed i am not straight and it happened that you're my first kiss." she said embarassed.

"Why shy? You're my first kiss too!" i said without hesitation and she was surprised.

"Really?? But you just kissed Khun Sunny. It's your first time and not with me!" she protested like a child.

I pulled her closer to mine and we're now inch apart again.

"She's Mon on the series, but you're my Mon in real, way too different." i told her and i quickly pecked on her lips.
"Hmmpp pervert! You're enjoying it much huh." she said glaring at me but she still looked cute.

"Why did you kissed me??" she asked me with her arms crossed.

"Because I like you! And i want this feeling to grow." i said directly.

She was panicking that she suddenly gulped the bottled mineral from the fridge.

The water spilled when she got choked on it.

"AISH such a mess!" and i quickly wiped her.

Right at this time, i thought of breaking the gap between us.

"You're so like a child and you need someone to take care of you. Can you be my girlfriend?" i said as i stare at her face.

Her eyes widened in shocked as i've said this.

For a minute our eyes were like magnetized at each other.

And she let go.

"Ahm..mâi dái." her silent response.

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