12 (Honorable Lover)

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"Babe why you did that?" belle asked me when we went out the hall.

She let go of my hand staring at me as she was startled of my action.

I sighed.

"Baby, i just want to eat with you. Is it wrong huh?" i asked her back.

"But Khun Sunny was there and you're supposed to have lunch with them. It's the launch of your series so you need to be with the casts." she told me these and i went silent.

"Babe are you ashamed of me? I just want to hold my lover's hand." i said with sadness in my eyes.

"Naahh of course not. I'm just being careful. I don't want to cause you trouble if they see us." she said consoling me as she caress my face.

I held her hands staring at her.

"You will never be a trouble for me okay? Kha, let's eat now." i said and we walked hand in hand going to the restaurant just in front of this building.


We're now waiting for our food when a fanclub saw me.
"KHUN SAAAMMM!!" they screamed approaching us.

I was like dead surprised when they crowded us, my panic suddenly attacks.

"Excuse me, please step back and give her space." belle quickly stopped them as she worries for me.

"Are you okay ba-- ahhh boss??" she asked and i nodded while i'm calming myself down.

"P'frin why you're here not with the casts? Who is that girl??" one of the fan dared to asked.
"I'm her assistant so i'm with her and we're just buying some desserts. She'll be back there with them guys." belle told them with a smile.

I am surprised with her answer as i looked at her confused.

"Can we take a picture please??" they asked and i granted it.

One of them passed the camera to Belle and told her to take a photo of us.

I am getting impatient now.
They should not treat her like this, she's my princess!
But my girl just doing this all smiles to them.

Aish such an angel.

*Camera Flashes*

"Thank you, enjoy your day everyone." i told them and i excused us right away.

I gently pulled belle outside.

"Arai na??(What?) Tum mai ja??(Why?)  Why is that baby?" i asked her.

"Sorry, i just don't know what to answer. If i told them we're out to have lunch they will suspect us of something. You must not deal with this and what i told them is the safest answer. After all, i'm really your assistant right?" she reasoned to me.

"No not anymore! You're now our trainee and above that you're my faen. I'm hating this kind of set-up!" i said annoyed raising my voice.

"Calm down babe, they might see us. Please go back to them they expect you there." she still insisting it to me.

"MÃI!! I don't want to!" i strongly disagreed.

"Babe please don't be stubborn. You promised me you'll behave right? Look at what you're doing now?" she scold me now like a mother.

Aish what can i do now? She's my boss, i must obey her.

But i am still sulking.

"Okay kha." i said disappointed.

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