13 (Ikigai)

524 43 1


On the Next Day;

"Pâ.(Go) Careful please." she told me.

We're here at the parking lot of the hospital ready to go home. She put our things at the car's trunk and now we're all set to leave.

"Careful baby." she said as she assisted me getting in the car.

"Khop khun kah teerak." my cute response and she smiled at me.

She's so extra caring of me since yesterday that i am feeling so overwhelmed.

"Babe kha, what if someone noticed us?" i suddenly asked.

"And so? Well i am still the boss. I can just say that i picked you up hmp!" she said with a smirked.

"Okay kha babe. I don't worry now." i said and she nodded.

"Let's go home you need to rest." she told me and i agreed to her.

@Frin's Unit

I am easily captivated of how amazing this place is for a condo unit, quite spacious for someone alone like her.

"You live here with yourself babe?" i asked.

"Yes. This is where i locked myself in if i don't want to be disturb by anyone." she said.

"And i don't want anyone to disturb us here." she added as she quickly went to my back and hugged me from behind.

I smiled instantly.

I held her hand while her head is resting at my shoulder.

"Thank you for doing this for me babe." i uttered.

"I will do everything for you, please know it." she said in a sweet voice.

I closed my eyes enjoying this moment but then something came up to my mind.

It worry me.

"Babe, what if i go back to the studio? I can manage myself. I'm afraid they will see us together here." i said in a bothered tone.

She faced me and then stared at me.

"Mâi dâi!! (I don't like) And i won't let it happen. We'll be careful for them not to catch us." she insisted.

"But babe.."

"I said no! How can i make sure you're okay if i cannot see you anytime i want huh? You must stick at my side so i can take care of you very well. So you stay here, that's an order!" she said with authority.

I looked at her serious face.
She's so determined.

"Okay babe, i'm not gonna insist anymore. You're my boss." i said.

And she gently caressed my face with a smile on her face.

"Actually you are my boss. The only boss of my heart." she said that i bursted out into laughter.

"Hahaha you're really cheesy!" i teased her.

"Atleast to you only." she defended herself and quickly pulled me for a tight hug.

"Please just stay with me baby. You're everything to me." she whispered.

"I will." my answer.

I'm brushing her back as we savour this romantic moment of us.


I woke up with a big smile on my face as i stared at belle's face who was sleeping soundly beside me.

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