5 (Enchanted)

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Couple of days had passed and i seemed to enjoy my job now. I like it everytime lady boss tagged me along with their workshop, feels like i'm on the scene too.
I felt butterflies on my stomach everytime Khun Sam is near Mon but there's a strucked of pain in my heart when they got so close.

Such a weird feeling.

I am sitting in this corner while watching them taking scenes.

Lady boss look so cool wearing just a plain white shirt and black jogging pants. Can't deny it that she's so good at her role like the universe chose her to be the Khun Sam.

I felt ashamed of myself that i am not even an inch closer to that. And i will accept that the role isn't for me. 

I sighed.

Out of the blue my phone rang, it's Papa.

I quickly picked it and ran outside to answer his call.


"Patrice, where are you?? Where the hell are you that you forgot to go home huh?! Answer me!" he yelled at me.
"Aww! Pa, chill don't shout!" i said to him.

"Chill huh?! You said you just need a day to tour yourself around Bangkok but kid it's been 3 days, still not done?! You have a father waiting for you." he scolded me.

"I know, i'm sorry pa. Actually i am planning to go home but i got caught up with my job. Sorry na kha pa. Forgive me?" i said in a soft tone.

"Stop that kid! You have job there? How come you got a job? Am i having an actress kid now?" he asked.

I gulped in a second before i answered.

"Uhmm.. almost like that pa hehe so i cannot just go because we need to do workshop everyday." i reasoned.

"Is that so? But i missed you." he insisted

"I know pa. Forgive me na, naka??" with my cute charming voice.

I am tensed but smiling at the same time coz i know where to hit his soft spot.

"Go home, papa misses you already." he said in a low calmed voice.

"Hehe yes i will. I'll talk to my boss and ask for a leave so you can see your prettiest daughter again. I love you pa." i told him smiling.

"Can't wait to see you. Take care my child, i love you most." his answer.


Waahh that was so close!
I know he was mad at me but at the same time he cannot resist me tho! He's my biggest fan and supporter and i know how much my father loves me eventhough we argued most of the time because of his stubborness.

I went back to the studio and saw Lady Boss on the side.

"Where have you been huh?" she asked right away that startled me.

"Ahm i just talked to my father over the phone." i said.

"Hmm..okay." she respond coldly.

I sat beside her as she sips from her bottled water. She's sweaty and it gives me an uneasy feeling.

What should i do?
Shall i give her a tissue or i will wipe her face for her?
"Lady Boss, here's a tissue." i said.

And my hand seemed to have a mind on it's own that it quickly landed on her face to wipe her sweat off.

"What are you doing?!" she said startled and i pulled away.

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