14 (Perfect Mon)

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Day 58 of Filming for the scene 143.

It must be a tough moment for Sam and Mon and everything in the set were already prepared.

The staff came so early in the morning to set up and now we're just waiting for Frin and Sunny to arrive.

"Everyone, let's give our best shot again today na kha! Susu na!" my short briefing to them.

I am busy instructing the staff when my phone rang.


"Hello Kru Tommy!!" someone with a rattled voice shouted from the other line

"Yes P'muk what happened??" my quick response to the lady i'm speaking. She is Sunny's manager.

"Something bad happened. We're at the hospital right now!!" she exclaimed.
"H-huh why?!" i asked confused.

"We've met an accident upon going there and N'sunny is at the Emergency Room now. She was badly hurt and got serious injuries." she told me that left me shocked.

"WTH! Wait how is she?? And how about phi, you are you okay?"

"She's unconscious at the moment. Don't mind me i just got minor injuries but i'm fine. I already informed her family about this." she said.

"Okay P'muk, please calm down. Frin and i will go there ASAP!" i told her before i hung up.

After this i immediately dialled Frin's number to inform her.

"YAAHH! I'm driving Tommy. What's your problem? I'm already on my way to there so calm your ass down coz i won't ghost you." she said sarcastically.

"Okay okay, but don't go here instead go straight to Pingmai Hospital coz Sunny is at the Emergency Room." i told her and she was surprised.

"Hospital?? Why? Are we gonna shoot some scenes there??" she asked clueless.

"Naaahh! They just met an accident and Sunny was hurt badly. She's unconscious as we speak." i stated.

"OMG Really?? Alright let's meet there!" she quickly said and ended the call.


Now the shooting will be cancelled today because of this incident.

@The Hospital
"Tommy! How is she huh??"

Frin came panicking as soon as she arrived here. I really waited here at the lobby for her so we can go inside together.

"She's at the Operating Room already, let's go there!" i told her immediately and right away we rushed to there.

Here's Sunny's manager who's dead tensed at the moment.

"P'muk what happened huh? Why suddenly??" frin interrogated her.

"We don't know. Everything was fine not until with a blink of an eye a car bumped us where N'sunny was seated. That's why amongst us, she's the most hurt." P'muk told us crying.

Frin is so nervous right now and i know she's starting to have her anxiety attack when this happens.

"I'm so sorry. We could have made so much sure of Sunny's safety. We're very sorry." she said in a flustered tone.

"No one wanted it, don't blame yourself Khun." P'muk consoles her.

I moved on her back to check on her.

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