15 (Masterpiece)

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We hear them say as we're walking back to the dressing room.

"Khop Khun Kha.." we both answered them.

I'm so glad with their positive feedbacks towards us. And i am extra proud of my girl, that finally she can show them her talent.

"You're so good baby." i said softly to her ear.

"And so you are too." her response as she smiles at me.  As much as i want to hug her tight and cuddle with her but i am stopping myself to do so.

"Mumu.." my air kisses to her instead.

Now we're gonna have our lunch together with the team.

"Here take a seat Nong." i said to belle who's being shy.

"Eat more nong, we prepared delicious food for everyone." one from the staff told her.

As the food were being served to us, i noticed how belle's mood suddenly changed.

The food were all spicy and she don't like those.

"Ahmm excuse me mami, do you have something else on the menu? Nong don't eat spicy." i said and they all looked at me awkwardly.

"Uuuiiiii..." they all started teasing us.

"So close that you know her dislikes huh?" one of them said.

And i was doomed.

"She's my partner, i should know!" i said as an excuse as belle and i stared at each other.

And i guess they all bought my alibi.
What a relief!

"Here nong, eat well okay?" i told belle as i served the food on her plate.

"Khop Khun Na Kha, phi." her response and i just nodded.

"Drink lots of water too not milktea!" i even said as i opened a bottled water for her.


In the Evening;

We're done with today's shooting so we're going home now.

"Phi, belle will come with me." i told her manager who's at the service already.

"Okay Khun, take care." her answer.

Her team and i are just the same people for we're both under one agency.

"Baby, now it's just you and me. Where do you want to go?" i asked belle coz the night is still young.

"Ahm what if we go visit Khun Sunny at the hospital? What do you think?" she uttered out of the blue.

I knew it she's feeling bad for her.

"Hays baby, okay for your peace of mind we will go there and talk to her personally. I don't like it that you have that guilt in yourself. It isn't your fault okay?" i said gently looking at her eyes as i caress her face.

She took a deep breath to release the heaviness she feels.

"Thank you babe, i'm feeling better because of  you." she said smiling and i embraced her with tenderness.

We thought of bringing Sunny some fruits and flowers as presents.

@The Hospital

(Door Knocks)

We entered in and here's P'fan and Pete talking to Sunny.

"Good evening kha..." my greetings to them.

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