11 (Unexpected)

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Almost 7:00 in the evening, we arrived here at the hot pot restaurant that boss has reserved. This place is kinda crowded so she said she's lucky to still booked a reservation for us.

Now we're at our table waiting for her sister.

"Are you starving now baby?" she asked me.

"Naaahh still good, let's wait first." i said though my stomach is betraying me since earlier. It's my first time to meet her sister, i should act with right manners.

Boss just nodded and checked on her phone instead.

"Boss, i didn't know that you're going to this kind of place hehe like it's not matched with your social status." i told her surprisingly.

"Well, going back to our college days me and my sister used to sneaked out to go here because dad won't allow us. The food here is nice, much tastier than high class restaurants out there." she said and i even got more amazed. Atleast now i know there is something similar to us and the social status in life is not that big deal for her.

I smiled at her.

I took out my phone and we take pictures just so we can't get bored of waiting.

We're scanning our photos thru my phone.

"Suaaayyy! (Beautiful)" she mouthed as she looked at our selca.

"Suaaayy meuân gan (You're also beautiful)" i even said staring at her and she instantly got shy.

She is so cute as she tries to hide how she is blushing now.

"Send me the photos baby!" she said.

"Send you??" i asked to confirm and she quickly thumbs up so i did it right away.

"Geng mak! (Very good) I will post it on my IG." she said busy scrolling at her phone.
*Beautiful flower. Will wait for it to bloom.*

"POSTED!" she said and i immediately take a look on it.

"Flower?" i asked her about the caption and she just showed me her proud face.

She's such unpredictable sometimes.
"Ohhh there you are!"

And her sister finally came.

"You're 10 minutes late!" frin scolded her and i invited her to come sit with us.

"Ahaha sorry nong, i just made an excuse just so pete won't force me not to go." her alibi.

The way they talk, they're really very close.
I don't know the feeling coz i don't have one.

"Ahh it's okay phi, don't mind her we're okay." i cutted their argument.

Now she turned her glance at me.

"Hello cutie, so i must say you're Belle right?" she asked.

"Yes i am. Nice meeting you phi." i said smiling at her and she quickly extend her hand to me and i immediately shook her hand.

"Augh you're so cute and pretty. By the way my name is Fan, her older sister." she uttered smiling and my face turned red easily with her stares.

"Yaahh! Stop it!!" boss stopped her sister instantly and pulled her to sit again and i did the same.

Seem someone starts to get jealous.
"Can i take your order madam?" the waiter said with the menu.

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