26 (Torn Between)

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Since that video went viral, i haven't seen it yet. Firstly, because the management and especially Frin banned me and i myself chose not to look either. Yes, i know that's part of the past, but seeing that thing is like something i am not prepared to unveil with myself.

I will be stupid if i won't admit that surely it will hurt and affect me.

But my love and trust with Frin is strong enough and i know she is the same with mine.

In these moments we need to hold each other tighter or else lose everything we've worked hard for.


One morning i was left alone at the house since Frin dropped by the office to have a short meeting and i gotta wait for her to come back here for our lunch.

Eversince the issue heated up, we chose not to go outside in public but stay at home instead. Our legal time advised us to do so while the invaders and stalkers are still free stalking at us everywhere.

Aish! Why can they just leave us alone?
Now i'm really feeling the lonely side of being in the industry, our lives are not just ours now but got opened to public.


"Teerak, what are you doing now?"

Frin called to check on me.

"Hmm i just got up from bed and will about to have a toast for breakfast. How's there?" i curiously asked her. She left the house so early while i'm still asleep and just left a note on the table.

"I already prepared your breakfast just reheat it okay? Don't worry all is well here. After this i will go home right away." she told me. And yes when i checked at the dining there's a food already. How sweet of her to even do it before going out to work.

"Okay ka babe. I miss you. I'll think of what to cook for our lunch." i said.

"Naaahh don't bother teerak, i will just buy so wait for me there. Rak na bb!" she said softly that tickled my ear. Why does even she's just talking but i feel the spark all over my body? Plaek plaek!

"Hihi rak na mak mak na ka!" my response in a cute voice.

"Kaaaa.. i'll hang up now." she said and ended the call.


I love her the most!

Like how can i describe it? I don't know. It is something magical that i cannot even fathom myself.

Love hits me so hard.
Deeper than the ocean, greater than the universe.


I am playing with Baemon and feeds him while checking on my SNS.

I'm on my IG to post some photos but my curiousity is killing me. I wanna go take a peek on my Space X to know what's happening there.

"Shall i or shall not??"

"Shall i or shall not??"

My thumb is ready to click the X app and so i did with my eyes closed.

Cheating on myself huh? But i badly wanna know what's going on the current situation.

The notification blew up and i thought of checking my hashtags, and those who tagged me on their tweets.

Upon scrolling, i myself was shocked when the video showed up.

But i scrolled down so fast!
I don't like to see it. I promised Frin and i am true to that so i just skipped it and checked on the tweets instead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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