01. Continued Chase

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"Good day, ma'a—" Dahyun quickly changes her expression from something cheerful to something unamused. She is currently manning a coffee shop's counter and was about to greet her next customer. "Are you here to ruin my schedule again?"

"Hmm..." Momo scans the menu unbothered. After a couple of seconds, she looks at the pale girl to grin at her. "Can I get one tall cappuccino and one grande cafe latte, please?"

Dahyun squints at her, not moving to process the other girl's order. "And who is the cappuccino for, ma'am?"

Momo chuckles. "Why are you asking me that? That's personal, Ms. Cashier. Come on now. Tap that screen there and tell your barista to make it."

"I already had coffee this morning."

"Ahh. Really? Then..." Momo scans again the menu that is in front of her. "Change the cappuccino to hot choco—"

"I don't have time to drink hot chocolate right now because I'm working, Hirai!"

"Hey. Why are you assuming that it's for you? Who said that it's—"

"Here, ma'am." Two beverages slide on the counter in between the two girls. "One grande latte, hot. And one tall chocolate, hot."

Dahyun rolls her eyes and turns to the guy who is proudly smiling. "I never told you that order."

A girl who was carrying a tray with trash of leftover orders grin and butts in. "We can take it from here, miss Dahyun. We're lacking one staff today but it's not a weekend or a rush hour yet so we can manage."

Kim Dahyun strayed from the usual career path of her college degree. Instead of applying to be a staff in some record label or try her luck to be an artist herself in the entertainment industry, she decided to start her own coffee shop after graduation. Her love for music still manifests in her current endeavor though since she is regularly performing acoustic sessions of her own composed songs at the shop once every month.

"See?" Momo taps the counter in front of her to get the shop owner's attention. "Take the beverage and go back to your office, you workaholic freak."

Dahyun quickly glares at her supposed customer. "And you?"

Momo gets her latte and smiles. "I have some things to finish at the firm. I just dropped by to check on you." Then, she turns to the two other staff nearby. "Make sure that your boss doesn't overwork herself, okay? And thanks for the coffee!"

The two staff members whisper at each other while looking at their boss who is closely watching the figure of Momo walking away from their establishment.

"I still can't figure out these girls." The barista starts. "That one, Miss Momo, always happily comes here to buy our boss something. She sometimes even brings food for everyone. However, our boss doesn't seem okay with it."

"I know, right?" The girl staff shakes her head. "How could they still be just friends after all these years?!"

"Momo also helps us here whenever she has time. She sometimes wash the dishes... clean up the tables... She even stayed up late until closing one time with the boss when we were also understaffed. Why on earth are they still friends when they act like a married couple?"

The girl gasps. "What if they really are married already and just don't want people to know?!"

The barista scrunches his eyebrows. "And why would they do that?"

"I heard that Miss Momo is the expected successor of a big law firm. What if that is what is keeping them from making that information be publicly known?"

"Ahh." The barista nods. "That would perfectly—"


The two staff flinched at Dahyun's raised voice and immediately looked around to see what they could be busy themselves with. "On it, ma'am!"

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