09. So, It Begins

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"Hmm? That's strange." Tzuyu stares at her phone's screen in wonder. She is currently sitting cross legged by a wooden bridge that is connected to a gazebo in the middle of what looks like a man made lake. She gazes at the blue sky and mumbles to herself. "So they finished the meeting early? Sana said that it would take a whole day."

She then looks at her screen at screen again. "It's just past afternoon." She then began tapping on it multiple times. "Does that mean it went well?"

In her messaging app, a message from a contact named 'Manager' has a chat that displays as 'Hello, Ms. Tzuyu. Sana forgot again a paper bag full of fan letters at the recording room. Can I leave it at your office instead? Since you told me I can always drop her things off there.'

After replying 'Okay. Thank you for taking care of Sana.' to the said message, she goes to speed dial and puts her phone in her ear.

"Baby!" It didn't take too long for Sana's voice to be heard loud from the other line.

"Hey." A smile is immediately formed on Tzuyu's face. "What are you doing right now? Do you want to grab something later?"

"Umm... I'm not sure." The artist made a short pause. "We're still reviewing the plot of the movie that I told you we will be talking about with the production staff today."

The younger girl scrunches her eyebrows. "The one you have to do today with your manager?"


"But I thought your meeting was over."

"What are you saying?" Sana's awkward chuckles are heard over the line. "I already told you that this might take a whole day, right?"

Tzuyu looked down and remained silent for a couple of seconds.

"Tzu? Hey. Are you still there?"

"Ah— Yeah. Sorry." The CEO clears her throat. "So— so you're still with your manager right now?"

"Yeah. Why? Do— Umm... You don't need her for anything, do you?"

"No, no." Tzuyu nervously gulps. "Just— Umm..."

"What is it, Tzu? You sound worried."

"R— really?" This time it is the younger girl who miserably fails to chuckle naturally. "Maybe too much coffee."

"Aww." Sana's tone changes into something with concern. "Are you working late again tonight? You've been very busy these days. You shouldn't overwork yourself!"

"Right. No! I mean— I— I will just stay at Nayeon Unnie's place tonight." Tzuyu's eyes are starting to get watery. "I'm still outside with the guy. You know how Tooyeon loves to cling to me."

"You know that he likes me more!" The artist energetically humors. "You have to up your game young lady or he might take me away from you one day!"

"He— Take you away from—" The younger girl's voice suddenly cracks.

"Tzuyu?" Sana's worried tone heightens. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah." Tzuyu tries to recover her casual voice as she quickly wipes the tears from her eyes.

"You promise?"

The CEO faintly smiles and almost whispers. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

Sana's line went silent.

After about half a minute of silence, Tzuyu speaks again. "Sana."


"You know how much I love you, right?"

The artist softly giggles. "What's with the sudden confession, Chou Tzuyu? And yes, I know how lucky I am to have you."

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