16. After All (Finale)

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"Baby cub." Mina gently taps the thigh of the girl dozing off in their car. She is already outside, standing right beside the shotgun seat. "We're here."

Chaeyoung is just slowly blinking while staring at her wife.

The lawyer faintly chuckles as she unbuckles the smaller girl's seatbelt. "How cute could you be, huh?"

And the athlete just grins, letting herself be dragged out of the car and towards the parking lot's elevator.


"Hmm?" Mina hums as they exit the elevator and begin traversing the building's hallways.

"Isn't Tooyeon too cute?"

"He is." The lawyer is now unlocking their condominium unit. "You two look cute together. Like two daycare classmates."

Chaeyoung just chuckles in odd agreement.

They silently made a beeline right to their living room where the athlete immediately plopped herself on the couch.


Mina's POV

"Hey—" I immediately rolled my eyes at this adorable girl who just plopped herself on our living room's couch. I know this kind of tactic. She will be trying her best to sleep without removing her clothes and makeup. "No stalling. Brush your teeth, remove your makeup, change your clothes."

Chaeng then slowly sits on the couch and whines like the baby she is already acting as. "But I'm already sleepyyyy."

"I swear I will make you sleep right there tonight if you laze around and not ready yourself to bed right now!"

I spoke with authority so just seconds after, she pouts and stands up. "Okay, ma'am."

As I watch the droopy girl who is now groggily making her way to our bedroom, I can't help but smile.

Should I try again this time?

Attack her while she's weak.

I heaved in a deep breath and began walking in haste to catch up to my beautiful wife. As soon as she was within arms reach, I promptly hugged her from behind and put my chin over her right shoulder. "Baby cub."

She immediately halted her legs and smiled. "Hmm?"

"Don't you want a Tooyeon of your own?"

Chaeng's eyes that were previously half opened slowly widened. "Wha— Minari. What do you—"

"I saw how you look at him." I continued to speak in a very soft tone. "I know that you want one."

I'm certain that you want one.

She opened her mouth but nothing came out of it.

And don't you dare give me that lame excuse again.

"Baby cub..." She was quiet so I resumed my attack as I rubbed the tip of my nose to the base of her bare neck. She loves this action. "Let's have our own baby."

"But—" Chaeng slowly breaks the hug to be face to face with me. She holds both of my hands and heaves in a deep breath. "But, Minariiii. Aren't you happy with me being your—"

"Stop with the nonsense, Son Chaeyoung." I made sure that she picked up the seriousness in my voice. "Will you really try and keep up with that excuse until you find a good time to get off of your soccer games?"

"What— What are—" She looks down to avoid contact and lowers her voice. "What are you talking about?"

"Hey." I softly smile as I let go of her right hand to use mine to guide her chin up. "Look at me."

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