12. Home

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"And here we are." Sana announces in a shy grin after pulling the car in front of a fancy glass house.

Tzuyu looks around everywhere though, still on the shotgun seat. "Where are we? Isn't— Isn't this an expensive subdivision? Why are we here?"

The artist removes her seatbelt and just smiles. She consecutively gets out of the car so the younger girl simply did the same.

"Here." Sana stands flatly in front of the gate of the glass house. The neighborhood is quite pleasing and quiet with clean pavements, well illuminated streets, and a lot of greenery that surely looks well taken care of.

The younger girl stares at her girlfriend in confusion. "The sidewalk? You drove all the way here so that we could talk on the sidewalk?"

"Ugh." Sana dramatically rolls her eyes. "This girl." She then walks to push Tzuyu's back, making her face the large two storey house in front of them. "This."

"The house?"

"Yep. I know it's already dark but... tell me what you see."

The fence to the glass house is just about the CEO's chest. There are circular bulbs scattered all over on top of it for every couple of meters. Except for the cobbled pathways to a small garden patio and the cemented driveway, the lawn is fully carpeted with trimmed bermuda grass.

Tzuyu turns to look at her girlfriend. "The house looks good. It's great actually. The owners are surely super rich."

"Okay." Sana stifles her chuckle as she nods slowly. "Let's go inside."

The younger girl's eyes immediately widened. "WHAT— NO! Why would we—"

"Don't worry!" The former council girl giggles and begins punching codes on the gate's lock system.

"Sana! That's trespassing!" Tzuyu was about to pull her girlfriend when the lock chimes with a high tone. She quickly darts her eyes to the girl beside her. "Did it just unlock?"

Sana just grins at her. "Come." She then began walking inside the house's perimeter, dragging the younger girl with her. When they reached the house's door, she started punching numbers on it again like it has always been a normal thing for her.

"Baby." Tzuyu calls out with worry as she and the love of her life walks inside. "What is going on?"

The artist gets her phone from the back pocket of her jeans. She opens an app and taps on it. Then, after a blink, the whole house is suddenly illuminated warmly. She then faces the uncertain girl beside her with a smile. "Tzu."


"Do you like what you see?"

Tzuyu looks around. A curious smile slowly draws on her face as she stares at where they are right now that could pass as the house's living room. It has leather couches, a large wall mounted flat screen TV, and a lot of antiques and fancy decorations. She even walks to peek in the kitchen, the first floor bathroom, the smaller door to the side that connects to the garden, and wowed herself when she saw a dedicated music room with a piano and recording instruments.

All the while, Sana was just following Tzuyu while exploring around the first level of the house. They stopped after going back to the living room near the grand door of the house.

"Sana." The younger girl gazes at her girlfriend with excitement. Her earlier worried face with evident doubt is now totally gone. "I love this place! Don't tell me we're staying here for our anniversary? I don't mind lazing all day if you rented this amazing place for the two of us!"

The artist promptly chuckles. "Looks like I don't have to ask for it. You only saw the first floor and you already like the place that much?"

Tzuyu furiously nods. "I love it!"

Imperfectly Perfect: The EpilogueWhere stories live. Discover now