[0|0] - mutation

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Mutation is a strange thing. It manifests in ways that science can't explain, gifting or cursing recipients with power beyond comprehension.

The X-Gene floods from father to children, creating a superior co-existent being - a mutant.

Alex Summers was a mutant long before Scott, manifesting a form of plasma energy control at just fifteen. Solitary confinement was his own choice, he didn't want to endanger the people he loved most.

When this happened, Scout was one, Scott wasn't even born. The brother's relationship was built on vague letters and snapshot visiting times. The foundation of Scout and Alex's relationship was merely photos and phone calls.

The family was torn apart, until Scott became what Alex feared he would - a mutant. The blond Summers boy wouldn't wish his experience upon anyone, and Scott was unfortunate enough to become more alike than anyone expected, gaining the ability to shoot a plasma beam from his eyes at his will, just by opening them.


Scott had spent the past week moping in his room, refusing to leave it, except for going to the bathroom. He was practically living in it, so much so that the carpet was beginning to wear out in places you wouldn't expect. The boy was sure that staying in his room long enough would put him to insanity, but at least his life wouldn't be wasted on a worthless mutation that plagued him.

He had a bandage over his eyes, not that it would particularly help if he did open his eyes - he was sure it would destroy it effortlessly.

Upon Scott's manifestation, the Summers couple rang their eldest, Alex Summers, who had experience in this field. It'd taken him a couple days to get the days off work and enough gas for the car, but once he did, he was on his way.

Eight hours later, Alex was stood in the living room with his parents, a foreign sight that nobody could recall.

"I guess we're more alike than we thought." Alex stated, sounding slightly exasperated. He'd taken his jacket off and his sunglasses were in his back pocket, despite the fact he wasn't supposed to stay for long. The place Scott was going was a three hour drive, and they had to leave soon as to not get caught up on dark, winding roads.

"He won't listen to us." His mother pointed out - Scott had spent more time sleeping in a week than he had in a month, he always seemed to skip sleep to play video games on his GameBoy.

"He's just, he's being-" His father began, before getting cut off by the seemingly knowledgeable Alex.

"Scott?" Alex questioned. Despite having very little growth alongside Scott, he knew his brother well enough to know his tendencies. "Let me try." The blond practically ordered, looking up the stairs to where he was planning to go.

He began to ungracefully thump up the stairs, before his father called out again.

"What about Scout?" He posed the question which their mother was thinking about too. If both of her brothers, why not her?

"I'm twenty-four. If I was a mutant, I would've manifested by now." Scout leant on a wall, looking to her brother and her parents.

"You're going, end of." Her father wasn't up for an argument, and so was rather forceful with his words.

"To some gifted school? As a non-gifted person. 'Cause that makes total sense." Scout retorted sarcastically, before walking back into her room.

She had been planning to move out next month, and so everything was in boxes around her, but with Scott manifesting, she took a part of older sister duties and cancelled her apartment, and her scholarship.

12 years of work down the drain.


Originally published : 02/06/23
Original word count: 158

Edited version published: 20/02/24
Edited version word count: 624

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