Chapter 5

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Scott took Scout to her room, laying her on the perfectly made bed. 5 weeks since she slept on this. 5 goddamn weeks of no sleep. Weird how Scout no longer needed sleep, it felt refreshing almost.

"Do you need anything? Scott asked, his tone filled with worry.

"I need to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do with my life Blind Scotty. Other than that, I feel sore, my head is pounding worse than that one time you hit me over the head with a cricket bat." Scout replies, laughing slightly at the memory.

"That bad huh?" He counters, laughing with Scout.

"Jesus Scout, what the hell did you do to get Scott worried? Not seen him look this worried since he realised cheesecake has cheese in it." Alex's ghost appears, grinning as a helpless smile plasters over Scout's face. She hasn't seen him for ages. Truth is, that was him being the big brother and caring for Scout.


After the 'mission'

Scout walked down to the lab, blowing bubbles with some bubblegum that Peter gave her on the plane ride back.

"Hey Alex." Scout greets, as he inevitably appears.

"Scout." Alex greets with a melancholy tone and a melancholy facial expression and melancholy body language.

"What's up Alexa?" Scout asks, observing his difference in attitude.

"You need to stop, Scout. You're constantly distracted using your powers to make sure I'm here. One day you're going to be caught out because of it." Alex is almost shouting at Scout, his eyes glossing over as each word spills out of his mouth.

"You can't make me. It's my choice, my mutation." Scout shouts back, a tear or two on the edge of her eyelashes, fighting to not drop down her face.

"When you need me, I'll show up. You need to let me go, focus on your life, not acting as if I'm still living mine." Alex says calmly.

"Plus, you're wrong, you don't have a choice." Alex says.

In a matter of seconds that felt as though they were a teary blur, Alex grabbed Scout's wrists, and Alex uses the unstableness of her power to make him disappear, and Scout was no longer holding onto him. He was gone, and Scout had no choice.

-end of flashback-

Scout stared. If looks could kill, Alex would be dead, again.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Scout retorts as Alex breaths in, not knowing what to say.

"Look, Scout. I know you're completely pissed off. But look how far you've got. I kept my part of the promise, I'm here, when you need me." Alex says defensively.

Scott hugs Scout as tears inevitably form below her irises. Alex came and hugged the two, and all three mutant siblings were reunited.

The sibling-love embrace was cut off short by distraught footsteps entering the room.

"Scout." Hank greeted. Alex took it as his cue to leave, so disappeared once again. Scott broke the hug and sat down next to Scout on the bed.

"I'm sorry, Scout. I haven't been honest. Since your mutation manifested Charles has been obsessed with controlling it to ensure peace of mind for himself, to make sure nothing was destroyed. I swore to not say anything, but today, you destroyed his telepathic block. It no longer matters, but I wish I had told you sooner, but I figured better late than never." Hank admits with a tone smothered in regret.

"I'm gonna give him a piece of my fucking mind." Scout says, before disappearing into thin air.

-with Charles and Erik-

"Chess?" Charles offers as Erik takes a seat opposite Charles.

"Don't change the subject. What did you mean earlier, regarding Scout?" Erik asks persistently.

"When Scout's mutation first manifested, she single-handedly destroyed half the kitchen, just by not being in control. With enough strength, she could destroy everything. Her power is as dangerous as Jean's, so I placed telepathic blocks, stopping her power from becoming too destructive." Charles explained, his heart rate rising as panic filled him from the inside-out.

"So you're controlling her for your safety? For your peace of mind?" Erik asks as metal began to quiver slightly.

"Erik, once she is able to control it, I'll release the block." Charles explains.

"She won't learn to control it if you're blocking it!" Erik shouts.

"She already broke through! That's how she could calm Jean!" Charles shouts, not realising what he just admitted.

"So you're blocking that too? Next thing I'll know you're blocking everything she tries to do!" Erik shouts as the clock hands speed past each number at an alarming rate.

Charles avoids eye contact, and it's a silent confirmation of what Charles was doing.

Charles puts a finger to his temple, in an attempt to erase Erik's memory, but his helmet appears on his head.

"How did you-?" Charles begins, but he is cut off by his mouth help agape as Scout reveals herself.

"Arsehole, Charles Xavier the massive arsehole. Just so you know, I think you're a control freak who only cares about his being. Don't you dare deny it, or this wouldn't be happening." Scout says with a feeling of betrayal.

She trusted this man to train her, to help her. All she was met with was a psychotic control freak.

"Scout, I was just trying to-" Charles begins.

"Oh suck a cock!" Scout shouts.

"You lied to me, you lied to me. Charles, you fucking lied to me. My entire life I didn't know I was a mutant, I find out, and what do I get? Acceptance? Training? No! All I got was a fake ass baldy lying to me! So I reiterate my earlier statement, suck a cock!" Scout storms out the room, before Charles can say anything, and Erik swiftly follows Scout, attempting to speak with her.

"Scout! Spectre! Where are you-?" Erik begins.

"I'm leaving here. Whether I'm going home, or prison, or somewhere in the middle. I'm not staying here, and I frankly don't give a shit if you're about to make a bittersweet speech about how I should stay here, so save your breath." Scout says, pissed off.

"I have an island, for mutants. Come there, with me. You can use your powers as little or as much as you like, no restrictions." Erik says with a hint of hopefulness that Scout would join him.

Scout looks at him dead in the eye, and simply asks, "Where is it?"

"Off the east coast of Africa. I'm leaving here today, after what I found. Charles is a changed man, and in some ways, is worse than I ever was." Erik says, as some sort of awkward reassurance.

"I'm going to tell Scott, and visit my parents. Fuck, they don't even know Alex is dead, I haven't seen them for who knows how long. I'll probably come, just see what fate decides I suppose. If I ever need bailing from jail, I'm calling you." Scout says, before walking up the stairs, to room 83. For the last time.

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