Chapter 8

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Spectre stayed close to Magneto, knives brandished in her hands. Just as Cyclops had burnt through the metallic shield Magneto had, protecting both himself and Spectre, Beast pushed Cyclops from his position, knocking him down.

"Don't let anyone stop this, Spectre." Magneto orders coldly, as he reached down to the ground.

Spectre then assumed a defensive stance, ready to kill anyone who would dare to take her on. She was ruthless.


The ground beneath Scout and Erik began to give out, as Scott tried to stop them. Scout ghosted his mutation, stopping him from causing damage. Erik rose above the ground as he pulled a rusting train from beneath the road to the surface. Scout simply hovered, as if she was stood on the ground, still in her defensive position.

"Hold them!" Erik shouted to the rest of his mutant allies, as himself and Scout walked in front of the train. It glided it's way into the building which held Jean, closely behind the two mutants looking for revenge via death: Erik and Scout. The train comes to a stop, and at the top of the stairs, staring down at the two were Vuk and Jean.

"I know whose blood that was." Erik's words were laced with revenge as they fell from his mouth.

Erik floats up to meet Vuk and Jean, Scout beside him.

"You cast me out. Now you come here to kill me?" Jean asks, staring into Erik's cold eyes.

"That's right." Erik responded almost instantly, his intentions being clear.

"For Raven, and Billy." Scout stares at Jean, no tears outlining her eyes, but a hell of a death stare from herself to Jean.

Part of the banister then bent to Erik's will, a sharp point stopping inches from Jean's face. Erik's opened hands clench into fists, taking the metal to millimetres from her fire-filled eyes. It does nothing. Fucking nothing.
The metal falls to the ground, Scout phasing through it as it slices where she once was.

"And you couldn't even do that." Jean's expression hasn't shifted from one of nothing.

Erik stares at her, as he realises that he is truly powerless against her.

"Let me show you how." Jean's words were filled with anger and a thirst for revenge.
Jean then begins to crush Erik's head under his helmet. Scout puts her hands to her side, trying to ghost Jean's powers for even just a few seconds, to allow Erik to remove the helmet. Scout's attempts weren't acknowledged by Jean, but she did make it the slightest bit harder.

Vuk stares at Erik and Scout as she watches the infamous Magneto struggle at the hands of what she thinks will be her protégé. The helmet then splits in all directions, freeing Erik from the force and Scout from the struggle. Jean then sends Erik out of the window, having the pieces of metal of his once helmet wrapped around his arms, forcing him back. He falls onto the street, his face bloody and his breathing irregular and faltering.

"You came here to kill me too?" Jean asks, almost hurt.

"And I will." Scout says. She pulls a knife from her belt and throws it at Jean. Jean uses her own telekineses to stop it, but Scout had thought ahead. She blocked Jean's ability, causing the knife to pierce her shoulder. Vuk quickly went to attack Scout, but she was gone, in search for ghosts - specifically of people Vuk and Jean had killed, causing them a distraction.

Once she had acquired 36 ghosts for the both of them, she made them visible in flickers, causing them to become disoriented, thinking they were some sort of shape-shifted Scout.

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