Chapter 6

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Scout opened the door, to find Charles.

"Scout you must understand that-"

"Leave the room, before I make you." Scout threatens with no emotion in her tone.


Scout immediately blocks his powers, making him disappear. He was in her head, he didn't even care so much as to show up in person.

Scout searched the room for anything she wanted. She picked up few things; Alex's sunglasses she stole the day he died; Alex's other sunglasses he left incase he died in '62; his gloves and rings he left on the same day; his cassettes; Scout's leather jacket that Peter got her for her birthday - he had put 'Spectre' on the back, and surprised her on her birthday; her trashed high tops; the fighting suit she had and the couple t-shirts and other clothing she had. It was enough to get through, which was all Scout needed.

A pen. Scout needed a pen. She scrambled through drawers until she found a blue ballpoint pen, and grabbed an old receipt she found, and began scribbling down words in a rush. If you were there, perhaps you could have seen what might have been a tear drop onto the receipt and smudge some of the ink into a blue pool. She wrote on this receipt:

'Dear Blind Scotty,

I can't stay here. I'm sorry, I really am. Charles, he put a telepathic block in my mind, blocking off usage of some power. He lied to me Scott, and upon confrontation, tried lying to my face. Don't leave because of me, stay here. You hear - well read - me? You have Jean here, and she makes you happy. I can tell from that day you saw her, so stay for her, and with her. I'll see you one way or another (haha, music pun), and I love you, laser eyes. Keep my stuff when you go see mom and dad, I'm just gonna grab a couple bits, you can even have the Queen poster you love.

- Beaver, your annoying sister.'

The bit pointing out the music pun got smudged, but Scout was sure Scott would get it nonetheless.

Scout began to walk towards Scott's room invisibly, before she was greeted with an all too familiar face, next to a lower face, that she most definitely didn't want to see. Alex. Charles. Well shit. Scout was indubitably screwed.

"Scout, just think about what you're doing. What about Scott? I'm not here, he needs a big sister, his big sister, to watch out for him." Alex begins.

Scout ignores Alex.

"You're sick. Charles you are a sick bastard, get out of my head." Scout shouts.

Some children begin to emerge from lessons, and Scout see's Charles' face struggle to contain the panic. Inevitably, it was proven that he was a mind trick.

"You don't even want to redeem yourself enough to speak to me in person. Using Alex to try to convince me is another level of sick. I'm leaving, nothing will stop me." Scout shouts, but Charles puts two fingers to his temple and begins to try and make Scout sleep.

Scout was in no way going to let Charles stop her.

Scout focused on his power, closing her mind off, thinking of his power not being there. It's gone, in Scout's mind.

Charles does not yield, he holds his fingers to his temple still, and pushes his power. Scout matches this. Scout's eyes whiten over as Charles begins to breathe heavily and struggle against Scout.

"Scout stop this!" Charles shouts at her.

Scout assumes that Charles just wants to try win her back. So Scout continues. In reality, she was tearing the school apart. Scout started screaming as she reached the extent of her powers. The school then wrapped in on itself.

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