Chapter 9

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Scout ran outside to help Erik and his team, only to find a nearly dead Erik, a knocked out telepath and a trapped man. It seemed only Hank wasn't on the verge of death, wherever he was.

"Stop- Jean." The telepath chokes out, before slipping to unconsciousness, but not death. Yet.

Scout ran back to the building, where she finds her ghosts gone, and Charles with Kurt, confronting Jean.

"Have you come here to kill me too?" Jean asks, with no emotion in her question.

"Never. Jean, never! I failed you, I know that but this isn't you." Charles stares hopefully at Jean, his eyes fixed on her.

Jean lifts her hand relaxed, and sends Kurt into the train that still blocked the entrance.
"That's a shame, I didn't mind him." Scout appears, floating in the air, transparent. She was in a state where she was visible, but could phase through anything thrown at her, making her virtually impossible to scratch.

"Jean please!" Charles begs her to stop, even he was powerless.

"You have no idea who I am." Jean says, things swirling behind her.

"I've raised you since you were a little girl. I think I do."

"She's not your little girl anymore."

"Who? What are you? Jean please try and remember what I taught you. You can control it. You can do anything you set your mind to."

"Now she gets the motivational monologue, blah blah blah." Scout mutters, inaudible to the three people accompanying her in this random building. Scout was waiting until the right moment to strike. Currently, Jean would be able to counteract any attack, her powers in focus.

"So show me. Walk to me."

"You know I can't."

Charles begins to grunt in pain, as his legs force themselves from his wheelchair, and he begins to walk towards Jean. His wheelchair compresses into an unusable piece of metal.

"Please Jean." Charles struggles to speak as his legs are dragged further up the stairs.

"Jean, I may hate the man, but this is just torture-" Jean sends Scout into the wall, then uses Charles' wheelchair to fix her in place. She holds a sharp piece of metal to her neck.

"One movement and that goes through your pretty little skin and cuts your head clean off." Vuk threatens.

"Please." Charles is almost shedding tears at the sheer pain Jean is able to cause him, with no visible effort.

"I can't see in your mind anymore. But you can see in mine. So look. Jean look." Charles orders the girl to stare into his mind, once he reaches her. Scout takes advantage of her somewhat distraction, Jean now staring at Charles intently. Scout ghosts the metal around her, and floats near the balcony, ready to strike.

Charles was struggling, tears covering his eyes as he stares Jean dead in the eye.
"There's still hope."

A/N: Sorry if these chapters are a bit too short, the story is completely written before I publish it, so there isn't really any way to change it, but let me know whether you prefer long or short chapters, and when I write anything after this is published, I'll take it into consideration.

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